Christ in me arise and dispel all the darkness. Christ in me arise with your power and your strength. Christ in me pour out your blessing and healing. Christ in me arise and I shall rise with you. (Trevor Thompson)
Judge how particular (seven) spiritual exercises can promote awareness and impact your spiritual life (benefits and challenges) and assess the blinding power of science in our society.
Walsh - Exercises in Awareness, p (found in your textbook) Walsh - Seeing the Sacred in All Things, p (found in your textbook Research: m m
Spiritual practices help develop spiritual vision and to recognize the sacred in ourselves and in the world. Exercises: 1. Eat Mindfully 2. Mindful Music 3. Become a good listener 4.Find Beauty in this moment 5. Heighten awareness of your body 6. Mindfulness meditation 7. Mindful speech
Blinding power of science in our society Science is so beneficial for humankind and physical aspects However science does not see purpose, values, and spirit Science can be the barrier to many people of finding spirit in their lives By looking at the world always with the view of science it can hinder finding your real purpose and values in life This video shows how spirituality controls ones real purpose and life and how science can only go so far. It is a clip of the full movie(Infinity the ultimate trip) With people that have had near death experiences ailpage ailpage This video gives what scientists view of the universe
In your table groups research to find an example of how science beliefs have changed about something in the past. Example: smoking used to be acceptable and not thought as harmful, but later it was found to cause death and lung cancer, etc. The point of this activity is for us to understand how society is blinded by science and how we should focus on spirituality more than science. Do you believe science is the answer to all creation on the universe(video 2) or do you believe spirituality(video 1) is the answer? Do you think our society is blinded by the power of science and takes it too far?