POETRY! Using language to evoke emotion and feeling. Words are arranged in patterns and often in rhymed patterns.
Figurative Language is primarily used in what genre? We studied 7 types of figurative language. What are they? –Similes –Metaphors –Alliteration –Personification –Idiom –Cliché –Hyperbole
Figurative language creates an image and appeals to your senses! The 5 senses are: TOUCH SEE HEAR SMELL TASTE
The 4 Steps to Reading a Poem: #1 = read for ENJOYMENT. #2 = read for MEANING. #3 = study the STRUCTURE and LANGUAGE of the poem. #4 = read for the FEELING.
The Language of POETRY: Rhyme As I was going along, along, A-singing a comical song, song, song, The lane that I went was so long, long, long, And the song that I sang was so long, long, long, And so I went singing along.
What is this an example of? Hush-a-bye, baby, Daddy is near; Mamma is a lady, And that's very clear. WHERE IS THE RHYME?
Rhythm = the recurring pattern of strong and weak syllabic stress. cLabF.asp?pageid=12
Meter “And the beat goes on…” **What do you listen to every day that has a beat…and is poetry?
Repetition Whose woods these are I think I know. His house is in the village, though; He will not see me stopping here To watch his woods fill up with snow. My little horse must think it's queer To stop without a farmhouse near Between the woods and frozen lake The darkest evening of the year. He gives his harness bells a shake To ask if there's some mistake. The only other sound's the sweep Of easy wind and downy flake. The woods are lovely, dark, and deep, But I have promises to keep, And miles to go before I sleep, And miles to go before I sleep.
What else in daily life involves repetition? Songs—chorus Class notes—vocabulary practice, daily routines, etc Anything else?
Syllabic Stress How many syllables are in your name? Do you have an syllables that sound stressed (harder) than others? Examples?
Analogies are comparisons! Snow: cold::Summer: hot Car: drive::Bike:pedal Teach: learn::student:school Any others?
Assonance Repeated vowel sounds on the insides and ends of words “The cat sat on the mat.” What vowel sound is repeated? “Mad hatter.” What vowel sound is repeated?
Onomatopoeia Words whose sound suggests its meaning “The bees buzzed.” “Clatter.” “Bam.” “Boom.” Any others?
Imagery The Worker Richard W. Thomas My father lies black and hushed Beneath white hospital sheets He collapsed at work His iron left him Slow and quiet he sank Meeting the wet concrete floor on his way The wheels were still turning--they couldn't stop Red and yellow lights flashing Gloved hands twisting knobs--they couldn't stop And as they carried him out The whirring and buzzing and humming machines Applauded him Lapping up his dripping iron They couldn't stop
Symbol A representation of something complex, general, or abstract.
Consonance Repetition of identical consonant sounds on the ends of words East/west Flip/plop Fell/ball
Speaker The imaginary voice that the poet uses to present the poem.