Philip Russell Deputy Librarian, ITT Dublin CoPILOT, Glasgow, February 12 th 2014 Creating and Sharing Information Literacy OERs
Overview Background / Context OER Development Sharing OERS Future Directions
Institutional context Institute of Technology Tallaght (ITT Dublin), South Dublin, founded 1992 Range of courses - higher certificate to doctorate level Research & innovation focus Approx FTEs
ITT Dublin 3 level IL framework Student centered model IL development - ongoing strategic focus: - ITT Strategic Plan ( ) - ITT Teaching & Learning Plan (2010) Information literacy context
Rationale - Address student IL deficiencies - Enhance face to face approach - Embed IL into academic modules Secured HE funding Project plan - work commenced May 2010 OERs needed to be created from scratch Planning for OERs
How To tutorials: Interactive online learning tutorials Self-directed learning / 24x7 Research, referencing plagiarism, academic skills Audience / intended use Reusable under Creative Commons
OERs created with Articulate Studio 9 - Generates engaging content / quizzes - Non technical / easy to use functionality - Publishes files to flash format - SCORM compliant Leeds University tutorials Input from learning technologists Development tools
Pedagogical training - learning styles / methodologies / assessment - online instructional design ICT training - eLearning software - Image editing – Photoshop - Web editing – HTML,Dreamweaver, CSS Training
Generic learning outcomes Constructivist approach -higher order cognitive skills -active learning -interactive activities / quizzes Assessment tasks – summative / formative Instructional design
Detailed storyboarding Sequenced learning structure / self-paced Use of visuals / logo Language / consistent font / bullet points Accessible Content design
First batch of tutorials live in September 2010 Extensive usability testing / feedback / piloting SCORM (sharable content object reference model) 1.2 compliant W3C AAA (Web Content Accessibility) Guidelines 1.0 Available via multiple delivery platforms OERs live
Tutorials integrated into Institute VLE Quizzes facilitate grading / assessment Reusability of tutorials facilitate collaborative course development VLE - Moodle
OERs - integrate IL into academic courses Blended approach – face to face and online Learning to Learn module December 2013 – OERs embedded into over 42 modules Implementation
IL for year 1 marketing Context IL for first year marketing students - delivered as part of a 5 credit module ‘Business Communications’. Library contact hours: 2 (lecture/workshop). Learning outcomes Identify different sources of information Create an effective search strategy. Be aware of plagiarism and how to avoid Know how to cite sources correctly Learning activities Lecture, in-class practical work, interactive class discussion, group work, online library tutorials. Assessment Quizzes in online library tutorials via Moodle worth 10% of total module mark.
Moodle – grader report
Range of evaluative techniques Evaluation SurveyGizmo Google Analytics Moodle NDLR Focus Groups Informal Feedback
OERs – usage statistics
Student: Greater knowledge of information resources Independent learning Facilitates transition into third level education Feedback Staff: Value of OERs to academic modules on VLE Accessibility of resources
“Tutorial should be given to 1st years before a first assignment is given. I am a 3rd year and this is the first time I have undertaken this resource on plagiarism” 3rd yr business student “Tutorial was engaging - a great way to find out how to organize and apply the skills necessary to complete a literature review” 4th yr science student “Innovative resource, have added to my courses on Moodle & will mention to colleagues” humanities lecturer Some comments
Staffing / time Limited training - pedagogy / instructional design Technical / functionality / accessibility issues Regular updating Diversity of student body Challenges
Staff - training/workshops Library Committee / Academic Council Department meetings / programme boards Internal promotion of OERs Student - induction / registration/ IL events Web – dedicated IL home page Social Media / Moodle
External promotion of OERs Conferences, seminars, workshops, professional networks Online repositories – national / international Publications
Sharing OERs
Enriched student learning experience More consistent approach to IL delivery Skills development / expertise / software provision Greater collaboration / community of practice Share best practice Value of OERs
Apply for funding Design, evaluate, improve Promote, share, reuse Lead by example - Build on existing librarian skills - OER advocates Lessons learned
Develop Audio / video Translate Mobile Integrate Share Future Directions
? ? ? ? ? ? Check out the ITT Dublin library OERs at: