Чтение буквы а в открытом и закрытом слогах. Aa [ei]
A is for apples. One apple for me, And one for you. One for him And for her, too.
[ei] snake Hi! I’m a sn a ke. My n a me is K a te. I’m 8. I live in the l a ke.
bake Kate sane cane plate rake date mane take fame name tale game snake vane Jane skate wake game snake plate
[æ] cat [æ] cat Hello! I am a cat. I am Pam. I am 1. I am pretty. I am not fat. I am merry. I can sing. I live in the flat.
And hand tank Bad jam sack Band Jack sat Bag lab tab Bat man tact Can mat tap Cap pan that hand jam bat
Pat’s black cat Is in Pat’s black hat. A fat cat sat on a mat And ate a fat rat.