4SSIE001 – Challenges and Transformations: British Political History Since 1945
Module Leader: Dr Michael Kandiah Institute of Contemporary British History, N.227, 2nd Norfolk Building, Surrey Street, King’s College London, WC2R 2LS. (Office Hours: Most Mondays, , and Wednesdays, Appointments recommended)
Lecture: Conservatives
Conservatives – Prime Minister: Winston Churchill – Prime Minister: Anthony Eden – Prime Minister: Harold Macmillan – Prime Minister: Alec Douglas-Home
PartySeatsVotes% Share Conservative32113,717,53848 Labour29513,948, Ulster Unionist9 Liberal6730, Irish Nationalist2
General Election of 1955 PartySeatsVotes% Share Conservative34413,286, Labour27712,404, Ulster Unionist10 Liberal6 Sinn Fein2
General Election of 1959 PartySeatsVotes% Share Conservative36513,749, Labour25812,215, Ulster Unionist12 Liberal61,638, Independent Unionist1
General Election of 1964 PartySeatsVotes% Share Labour31712,205, Conservative30412,001, Ulster Unionist12 Liberal93,092, Independent1
1951 – Immediate Challenges The issue of “mandate” Won the election but not the poll The economy Operation ROBOT rejected (Sir Leslie ROwan, Sir George BOlton and OTto Clarke)
National Debt to GDP
The economy The “Long Boom” – a stable international “Butskellism”? (Conservative: Butler + Labour: Gaitskell) The Bretton Woods System Fixed the rate of sterling $1 = £2.80 Constant Balance of Payments problems High defence spending The Sandys Defence Review 1957
Affluence Full Employment Rising Consumerism The coronation of Elizabeth II
Relative Decline Michael Shanks, The Stagnant Society: A Warning (1961)
The End of Empire African Decolonisation Mau Mau Asian Decolonisation Malaysia Cyprus Domestic Impact
The Suez Crisis Egypt’s Nationalisation of the Suez Canal – 26 July 1956 Protocol of Sèvres – UK, France & Israel Anglo-French intervention – 5 November 1956 UN condemned Anglo-French actions British withdraw – 29 November 1956
Aftermath of Suez Fall of Eden Brings the UK closer to the USA
An issue of image? Churchill Eden the failure Rise and Fall of Super Mac The aristocratic Douglas-Home