Gerry Evans Gwaith Cymdeithasol yn y Dyfodol Social Work in the Future
“…nad yw model o waith cymdeithasol sydd wedi'i seilio ar asesu a rheoli gofal yn addas i fynd rhagddo i'w ddatblygu.” “Rydym am weld datblygu gwaith cymdeithasol a'r berthynas â'r gweithiwr cymdeithasol fel cyfrwng i alluogi pobl i wneud y gwahaniaethau y mae angen iddynt eu gwneud yn eu bywydau.” “…gweithwyr cymdeithasol yn gwneud mwy na darparu gofal yn unol â chynllun penodol a luniwyd ymlaen llaw; maent hefyd yn gyfrifol ar y cyd ag eraill am benderfynu ar y cymorth sydd ei angen ar bobl.” Gwasanaethau Cymdeithasol Cynaliadwy “….a model of social work rooted in assessment and care management is not the one that is fit for the next stage of development.” “We want to see social work and the relationship with the social worker as a means of enabling people to make the changes they need in their lives.” “….social workers are not simply the deliverers of pre-determined care but co- creators of the support people need.” Sustainable Social Services
Rhaglen Datblygu Gwaith Cymdeithasol / Social Work Development Programme Codau Ymarfer / Codes of Practice 2002 Codau Ymarfer / Codes of Practice 2002 Cofrestru / Registration 2003 Cofrestru / Registration 2003 Diogelu Teitl / Protection of Title 2005 Diogelu Teitl / Protection of Title 2005 Gradd Gwaith Cymdeithasol / Degree in Social Work 2005 Gradd Gwaith Cymdeithasol / Degree in Social Work 2005 Cynllunio’r Gweithlu / Workforce Planning 2007 Cynllunio’r Gweithlu / Workforce Planning 2007 Gwasanaethau Integreiddiedig Cymorth Deuluol / Integrated Family Support Services 2008 Strwythyr Gyrfa Gwaith Cymdeithasol / Career Structure for Social Work 2010 Strwythyr Gyrfa Gwaith Cymdeithasol / Career Structure for Social Work 2010 DAPP & Cofrestru / CPEL & Registration 2014 DAPP & Cofrestru / CPEL & Registration 2014 Addasrwydd i Ymarfer / Fitness to Practise 2014 Addasrwydd i Ymarfer / Fitness to Practise 2014 Y Gweithiwr Cymdeithasol / The Social Worker 2014 Y Gweithiwr Cymdeithasol / The Social Worker 2014 DAPP / CPEL 2011 DAPP / CPEL 2011
Ymwneud â chydweithio agos rhwng gweithwyr cymdeithasol a’r rhai sydd angen gofal a chymorth er mwyn nodi dulliau ar y cyd o gefnogi unigolion drwy gamau gwahanol o angen. Lleihau’r ddibyniaeth ar ddulliau rhagnodol wedi’u ffurfioli a rhoi mwy o bwyslais ar farn broffesiynol. Cynnwys cydweithio agosach ag amrywiaeth eang o sefydliadau ffurfiol ac anffurfiol ac unigolion er mwyn nodi a dod o hyd i ymatebion i angen. Parhau i ganolbwyntio ar ddiogelu plant ac oedolion sy’n agored i niwed. Implementeiddio’r Deddf: Beth fydd y Ddeddf yn ei olygu ar gyfer gwaith cymdeithasol? Involve close working between social workers and those needing care and support, to jointly identify ways in which individuals can be supported at differing stages of need. Reduce reliance on formalised prescriptive approaches and further emphasise professional judgement. Involve closer collaboration with a wide range of formal and informal organisations and individuals to identify and access responses to need. Have a continuing focus on the safeguarding of children and vulnerable adults” Implementation of the Act: What does it mean for Social Work?
Y gallu i gydweithio ag unigolion a’u teuluoedd, gan eu galluogi i ganfod atebion i’w problemau. Y gallu i ddeall a datblygu ymatebion cymunedol i anghenion unigolion, yn hytrach nag asesu ar gyfer gwasanaethau. Gwybodaeth am dystiolaeth ymchwil yn ymwneud ag ymyriadau effeithiol mewn gofal cymdeithasol. Y gallu i gydweithio’n effeithiol â gweithwyr proffesiynol a sefydliadau eraill. Y gallu i nodi canlyniadau dymunol ar gyfer unigolion ac asesu i ba raddau y maent yn cael eu cyflawni. Implementeiddio’r Deddf: Pa sgiliau a gwybodaeth sydd eu hangen? Ability to work jointly with individuals and their families, enabling them to identify solutions to their problems. Ability to understand and develop community responses to the needs of individuals, rather than assessment for services. Knowledge of research evidence on effective interventions in social care. Ability to collaborate effectively with other professionals and organisations. Ability to identify desired outcomes for individuals and assess the extent to which they are being achieved. Implementation of the Act: What skills and knowledge will be required?
Dirprwyo mwy o dasgau a chynorthwyo staff nad ydynt yn staff gwaith cymdeithasol. Llai o bwyslais ar ddulliau gweithredu rhagnodedig. Rhagor o atebolrwydd am y penderfyniadau sy’n cael eu gwneud a’r broses o wneud penderfyniadau. Ymyrryd yn gynt ym mywydau pobl sydd angen cymorth. Gweithio i amrywiaeth ehangach o gyflogwyr mewn amrywiaeth ehangach o leoliadau. Helpu pobl i gyflawni eu canlyniadau dymunol yn hytrach nag asesu addasrwydd ar gyfer gwasanaethau. Implementeiddio’r Deddf: Pa newidiadau i’r cyd-destun gwaith a fydd yn deillio o’r Ddeddf? Greater delegation of tasks and supporting non-social work staff. Less emphasis on prescribed ways of doing things. Greater accountability for the decisions made and the process of decision-making. Intervening earlier in the lives of people who need support. Working for a wider range of employers in a wider range of settings. Helping people achieve their desired outcomes, rather than assessing suitability for services. Implementation of the Act: What changes in the work context will the Act bring?
Swyddogaethau neilltuedig Tasgiau Dirprwyedig Cysylltu DAAP a Rheoleiddio Y Cyngor Gofal yn esblygu i fod yn gorff newydd gyda mwy o swyddogaethau: Cadw swyddogaethau cyfredol Rôl datblygu’r gweithlu estynedig Gwella gwasanaethau Cysylltu i waith ymchwil Mwy o ymglymiad gan ymarferwyr Gwybodaeth i’r cyhoedd Bil Rheoleiddio ac Arolygu Reserved functions Delegation of Tasks Link CPEL and Regulation Care Council to evolve into a new body with additional functions: Maintain existing functions Extended workforce development role Service improvement Links to research Greater involvement of practitioners Information to the public Regulation and Inspection Bill
Gweithio gyda Llywodraeth Cymru i ddatblygu rhaglen codi ymwybyddiaeth Cwricwlwm y Gradd yn adlewyrchu’r Ddeddf Rhaglen DAAP yn adlewyrchu’r Ddeddf Rhaglen datblygu dwy flynedd Implementeiddio – Ebrill 2016 Paratoi ar gyfer y Ddeddf Awareness raising programme developed with Welsh Government Degree curriculum reflects the Act CPEL fully reflects the Act 2 year programme of development Implementation – April 2016 Preparing for the Act