Rising Stars Update Thursday 18 th June 2015
Rising Stars Progress Tests Mathematics Half-termly Progress Tests For Y1-Y6 (RRP £600) Mathematics Half-termly Topic Progress Tests For Y1-Y6 (RRP £600) SPAG Half-termly Progress Tests For Y1-Y6 (RRP £600)
Rising Stars Progress Tests £1800 RRP provided for a £200 one-off cost to all Partnership Schools Resources will be provided electronically as pdf files Available to download on the Alliance website behind the password protected area
Rising Stars Progress Tests So, what are they and what can you do with them? Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling: A series of 6 half termly tests which cover the objectives for each year group Enable teachers to analyse class/pupil performance and plan to fill gaps in their knowledge and understanding Provide a summative assessment: working below, within or exceeding/secure Provide both a formative and summative assessment
Rising Stars Progress Tests SPAG Data Analysis – Year 5 at Brompton-on-Swale Pre-Assessment (September 14) N – 15 children Level 3 – 10 children Post-Assessment (June 15) N – 2 children Level 3 – 7 children Level 4 – 9 children Level 5 – 7 children SPAG Y6 SAT Test
Rising Stars Progress Tests So, what are they and what can you do with them? Mathematics: Two different types of assessments – Generic half termly tests which provide a broad coverage of the objectives for each year group – Specific, topic-based tests which provide a number of progressive assessments for each year group Both types of assessments can be used in the same way as the SPAG materials to analyse gaps in knowledge and understanding and provide both summative/formative assessments.
Rising Stars Progress Tests Sample tests are now on the Alliance Website About Us Page/Rising Stars Resources – Sample Tests – Progress Trackers
Test Analysis Suite Part of the Target Tracker Assessment solution Provided free of charge to all Partnership Schools as part of our ‘deal’ Analysis tool which links directly with all previous Y6 SATs tests and old optional tests Rising Stars tests are being linked into the Suite All new published tests will also be added as they are published
Test Analysis Suite Tests can be marked and analysed by the teacher Also, tests can be marked and analysed by pupils – giving a more in-depth analysis, using tablets or laptops etc.
Test Analysis Suite To Login… You should have received an in April(ish!) with username and password
Summary – What’s next? Moderation – Appointing moderators for English, maths and science across the Alliance – Moderation happening regularly to affirm judgments Mastery CPD – English and maths… watch this space! We want to hear from you – Evaluations please!