Good Morning Please be sure to sign in at the round table and take care of your belongings. Turn around and face the back ready for announcements. If you come in late, just have a seat. You may sign the tardy log and take care of your belongings AFTER announcements.
Intro to IT Hybrid 2/9/2016 Essential Question: How does utilizing Word improve the productivity of the workforce? Literacy Objective: (aka – bell work) Research to build and present knowledge. Open eMarion and review the PP for unbound reports. Describe the basic format for an unbound report. Be sure to write in paragraph format with 4- 6 sentences using proper spelling and grammar. I will demonstrate proper keying technique and improve my knowledge of the keys. I will learn about formatting reports. I will format an unbound report.
Intro to IT Hybrid 2/9/2016 Standards: 1.0 – Develop keyboarding skills to enter and manipulate text and data. 2.0 – Demonstrate comprehension and communication skills 3. 0 – Use technology to enhance the effectiveness of communication skills – Practice quality performance in the learning environment and the workplace – Participate in work-based learning experiences – Demonstrate proficiency using common software applications.
Intro to IT Hybrid 2/9/2016 eMarion MS Word First portion of final exam skills Make up this week only if you missed it! NEW ASSIGNMENTs: Unbound Report Model 1 on school/class website Model 2 on pg 89 of textbook Exit Activity: Explain how to format an unbound report.