Recycling Bilingue This is a bilingual project between Spanish and Swiss Students obout Recycling in Spain and in Swizerland – what can we learn from each other.
Recycling Bilingue AuthorNicole Wildisen, KS Seetal, Baldegg (Lu), Switzerland, in collaboration with Emilio Rico, IES El Saler (Valencia), Spain, Recycling in Spain – Recycling in Switzerland, what can we learn from each other Text comprehension, text production, research, writing a curriculum in a foreign language - individual (virtual) work with unknown partner in a foreign language Objectives Window Live Tools: Hotmail, Space, Blog, Group, Skydrive, Discussion Software DescriptionStudents from Spain and Switzerland are working during 6 months together. They communicate in English and Spanish using the Window Live Tools. They present themselves by creating their own spaces. A Spanish student and a Swiss Student form a team. Each team gets a recycling aspect they have to research about and exchange by SkyDrive. The result is a bilingual project to open our mind about recycling, about how to be careful with our environment. A small group of students creates a webpage presenting all the students’ productions. The highlight of the whole project are the two weeks in Spain and in Switzerland, where the teams exchange the families and learn a lot about how life is going in another country. Learning Areas Foreign Languages, Biology, Science, interdisciplinary work, social cultural subjects Levels Different levelsteamwork, projectwork, window live tools, foreign language, bilingual, interdisciplinary, recycling social culture Keywords Project Overview
Recycling Bilingue Teacher Planning and Management Click the document Background and Planning below to help you understand the context of this exemplary learning project: You will get information about the involved schools the involved teachers the project goals the planning origine of the project the curriculum context of the project the technology context the project management Documents
Recycling Bilingue Teaching Resources Click the document below. It is a student project overview with all the steps to respect during the project. If you click the student’s papers you get some idea about the different steps of the project. In the following Homepage you find all the students’ productions. The students got for this homepage the juniorwebaward from Switch. If you would like to be a member of the community, you are welcome to mail to You will get an invitation to the
Recycling Bilingue Assessment and Standards Click the document below to see the evaluation of the participating teachers in this learning project. Assessment Rubrics: in this project the motivation for computer work gets netted with the motivation for foreign language and interdisciplinary work. The students like working with the Window Live Tools and by doing that they work with the objective: they make creative and interdisciplinary activities in foreign languages. The result is a joyful workshop and furthermore with the special challenge because they also have to work in a team with unknown partners. Evaluation: The papers will not get a mark. Nevertheless the papers are very good, in this sense they neither have to be graded. The students know that their products will be read by the whole community and this is the reason why they produce good texts. National Educational Technology Standards for Students (NETS): (Foreign) Language curriculum context: this project includes different facilities which are important in the language acquisition. These are reading and comprehension of foreign language texts, writing summaries, commenting texts, exchange of opinion, translation. Social cultural and interdisciplinary curriculum context: furthering of knowledge in subjects like recycling. ICT curriculum context: creating and publishing of own texts using Word or PowerPoint, working with the Window Live Tools: space, group, SkyDrive, blog, forum, , handling photos and pictures, using online dictionaries, creating a webpage.
Recycling Bilingue Background Information Switzerland: Nicole Wildisen, KS Seetal, Baldegg (LU) Spain: Emilio Rico, IES El Saler (Valencia), This is a blog from Raquel