Basic ICT PC Labs Classroom e- Learning 1:1 eLearning Technology Connectivity Professional Development Improved Learning Methods Digital Curriculum > 25:1.


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Presentation transcript:

Basic ICT PC Labs Classroom e- Learning 1:1 eLearning Technology Connectivity Professional Development Improved Learning Methods Digital Curriculum > 25:1 Broad, fast coverage (WiFi, WiMAX) Lab instructor only Student-centred learning Complete digital curriculum integration ~ 10:1 Computers-on-wheels or shared desktops (~ 5:1) Laptops (1:1) Wireless in classroom Dialup More people, deeper instruction Most people, thorough instruction Project-based learning Group collaboration Some digital curriculum integration Focus on learning PCs Wired, lab only eLearning Environments Knowledge Acquisition Knowledge Deepening Knowledge Creation Orewa College sits here. BUT cannot meet the learner and teacher demand for access Orewa College One to One devices BYOD

Three Technologies had finally become available to Orewa College and the wider community. High Speed Fibre Connection to the Internet (not at first but now) Reliable High Speed Wireless technology covering the school site Affordable portable computing devices such as Netbooks and laptops, I pads (and the similar competitive pad devices) and the smaller devices such as I Touch and Smart phone

Back Ground Three years ago Orewa College was one of the few state schools who said to students you can bring a laptop to school, any laptop, and log into the school’s network, just as you would if you were staying in a hotel or visiting the many free wireless points in many cities. No need for technicians to adjust your machine it just works.

Yet students were not bringing them, teachers were not changing their pedagogical approach, it was a chicken and egg situation.

The Problem Still, there remained and is an increasing demand through curriculum for access to computers and computer technology. Budget wise this is a demand that the school cannot meet by increasing the number of computers in the school. Yet in the world our students will move into either as a professionals, as a trades person or as laborer they will predominantly use computer technology.

What is our Vision?

Orewa College will be the pride of the district, promoting high student achievement, expectations of excellence in the curriculum and high participation and success in co- curricular activities. Its graduates will be responsible, independent, confident, proud, well-balanced and motivated young adults. Orewa College Vision Statement

All teachers and students have access to contemporary technology and world class digital content with which to create, communicate and collaborate locally and globally. Learning is engaging, personalised and authentic to enable students to become confident, creative, active and informed citizens of the 21st century Vision Victoria State Govt Australia

VISION To improve learner achievement in an innovative education sector, fully connected and supported by the smart use of ICT NZ MOE Digital Futures Vision All learners will use ICT confidently and creatively to help develop the skills and knowledge to achieve personal goals and be full participants in the Global community. NZ MOE Digital Horizons the vision be full participants in the Global community.

Digital technologies are constantly changing the way we live, work and play. All New Zealanders will need new skills to participate fully in this digital world. As well as digital literacy and technical ICT skills, our education system needs to engender creativity in all students. NZ Govt Ministry of Economic Development. Digital Vision. In the next five years, the government is committed to delivering fibre-to-the-premise connections to businesses and public institutions (such as secondary schools, tertiary and research institutes, hospitals and libraries) in major centres, and significantly increased bandwidth connections throughout the entire country NZ Govt Digital Goal

So the decision! Students will be required to bring a internet capable device in Y9 in 2012 and will roll through the year groups year by year We are recommending an iPad

ISSUES THAT WILL ARISE: Parental Resistance Why isn’t what you are doing now good enough? I did not need a laptop when I went through school Security Health (wireless) Why the iPad? The students will spend all of their time on Facebook or playing games Cost

Discrimination Based on students not being able to afford the iPad will be subject to educational discrimination. Meetings with the Principal

WHAT ABOUT THE TEACHING STAFF AND THE PEDAGOGY? This is/was always going to be the key! Firstly HoDs meeting and discussion - Agenda / Discussion Points ♣One to one devices, the rationale as outlined above. ♣iPad device of choice - reasons ♣Start with Year 9 classes ♣School will subsidise half the cost of an iPad2 with all staff teaching Year 9 and staff will own the ipad (paid off over 2 years coming directly out of salary) ♣Staff will need to be enthusiastic and teach at least 2 Year 9 classes and be prepared to totally change their pedagogy and undergo extensive professional development over the next 6 months.

Ok, so we now had to present the idea to the staff. Firstly HoDs meeting and discussion - Agenda / Discussion Points ♣One to one devices, the rationale as outlined above. ♣iPad device of choice - reasons ♣Start with Year 9 classes ♣School will subsidise half the cost of an iPad2 with all staff teaching Year 9 and staff will own the ipad (paid off over 2 years coming directly out of salary) ♣Staff will need to be enthusiastic and teach at least 2 Year 9 classes and be prepared to totally change their pedagogy and undergo extensive professional development over the next 6 months.

Staff Meeting Ooooh, arrrgh session with iPads - have a play and presented our reasoning and what we proposed. Wiki available with our thinking and the opportunity to give feedback

The Students Student Council Ooooh, arrrgh session with iPads - have a play and presented our reasoning and what we proposed. Wiki available with our thinking and the opportunity to give feedback

Which Staff? We had 65 Year 9 timetabled classes in Core and options. AIM With staff teaching two classes at Year 9 at least, on paper, we could reduce the number of teachers teaching Year 9 down to about 50. (The aim was five in each major department and two or three in options). Staff must teach at least two Year 9 classes. The reason? The Professional Development time and planning expected. Time and effort. With one class it is too easy to put aside if other pressures come on. Yes it means timetable compromise. “If I have to lose my favorite Year 11 sports academy class… so be it, I am committed to this change” Staff and HoDs discussed the idea further in the department meetings and put forward the names of two staff members each who would lead the initiative in their department. Staff were directed to the Wiki site and to read and make further comment to which we responded and addressed their concerns, where we could, and made comment.

Who will supply the Device? How will staff pay for it? We contacted Equico from whom we lease the tela laptops. They had been working with Cyclone Computers on other laptop schemes so met with both parties to discuss the issue. Staff at Cyclone Computers were excellent in helping rationlise what we were doing and providing advice and options at all points of the decision. While they had not been involved in iPads for schools on such a scale they had supported schools implementing laptop programmes. Cyclone could offer two year leases through Equico on the school’s master lease agreement at the educational finance rate. This was the path we took for parents initially. Staff would go with the school on the cost of the device using the schools lease agreement and direct debit from payroll.

How can Parents Pay We could offer the same very good deal to parents but the school would carry the risk of defaulters. If Equico worked with parents direct via Cyclone Computers, the deal was a little more expensive for parents but took the school out of the supply finance warrantee loop. Cyclone were happy to set up an easy purchase website With Media publicity more suppliers came on board

WITH NO MAJOR OBJECTIONS FROM STAFF AND HoDS THE PLANNING WENT AHEAD To start with, we would get a group going. Two lead staff from each department for the initial training. These staff would learn the basics of how the iPad works and be part of the bigger group in the school to trial and discuss the “Apps” that students would be required to have as a year wide approach and the subject specific Apps.

PD We ran lots of little “how to use my Ipad” work shops initially Tuesday night compulsory meetings Moved from technical to pedagogical Guest presenters “experts” Time available to work in depts or cross departments a pedagogical model adopted

Rationalising what we were doing Project leaders Mark Quigley and Tony Zaloum split the project up into: Pedagogical (Mark Quigley) ♣If we are going to have students bring machines to school, how will this change the pedagogical approach by staff? ♣What support and development will they need? ♣How will this be delivered? Technical (Tony Zaloum) ♣How it will all work on the Network, the issues outlined by Tony. Tony and Isometric Solutions got to work on this and have made huge progress. Public Relations (Kate Shevland, Principal) ♣How do we release this initiative to the school community and the parents of the Year 9 students?

Establishing the Vision for Learning 2 where learning is not dependent on a teacher 4 where instruction adapts to the needs of the individual student 3 where content, curriculum and tools are current and relevant continuous adaptive Orewa College a School of the Future? 49 Learning and teaching is 6 where students are engaged with 21 st century technology and ideas 5 where learning and teaching follow proven pedagogical principles Ako Orewa 1 where all we do is based on solid human values (Manaaki Orewa) Releva nt

Anyone Any where Any Time In Time WHAT IS OUR ICT VISION

The Traditional classroom / learner during school time occasional expert visits teachers school community occasional class excursions school library mobiles, phones, fax machines, TV, video snail mail

writers Primary sources experts organisations people’s experience collective thinking peers original artefacts and documents mobiles, phones, WAP, VOIP, PDAs, tablets, desktop, laptop, future technologies MOO chat forum wikis blogs LMS CMS podcast data/tele/video conferencing messaging & listservs video cast/streaming webcasts meeting tools web authoring Secondary sources websites learning communities all teachers Unis/Colleges world libraries and museums digital repositories RSS feeds speakers any school The connected learner any where ~ any time ~ in time common interest groups networks commercial companies world news collaborative projects action learning groups global groups online learning learning objects world events original photos, images, video, audio original works Carr 2006

Education for the 21 st Century is needs to be fundamentally different. The world has changed

So some future thinking In the next 5 years where would we like to see our ICT usage in your area Reports SMS LMS Contact with home Website Devices used by your staff School timetable ?