State Board of Education Meeting Update May 11-12, 2016 Riverside County Regional Assessment Network May 27, 2016.


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Presentation transcript:

State Board of Education Meeting Update May 11-12, 2016 Riverside County Regional Assessment Network May 27, 2016

Accountability Report to SBE Item 30 Superintendent's Advisory Task Force on Accountability and Continuous Improvement

Accountability Report to SBE Item 30 (Cont.) Major Accountability Themes

Accountability Report to SBE Item 30 (Cont.) Recommended Accountability Structure

Accountability Report to SBE Item 30 (Cont.) Recommended Accountability: State Required Indicators CAASPP (SBAC) ELA and Math Scores 4-Year Cohort Graduation Rate English Learner progress progress toward language acquisition Growth Measure Suspensions/expulsions Chronic absenteeism Statewide school climate survey College and Career readiness indicator

Accountability Report to SBE Item 30 (Cont.) Recommended Accountability: State Reported Indicators Students completing A-G Requirements Approved CTE course sequence completed Students meeting college standard on AP/IB/dual credit coursework Physical fitness Science Assessment Results Attendance Student/teacher/parent surveys for measuring school climate Administrator and teacher qualifications School Facilities Quality Access to the Curriculum Access to the Full Curriculum

Accountability Report to SBE Item 30 (Cont.) Recommended Accountability: State Provides Optional Tools to LEAs and Schools Locally selected, developmentally, culturally, and linguistically appropriate observational kindergarten readiness assessments Classroom embedded, authentic performance assessments Social-emotional learning indicators Parent Engagement

Accountability Report to SBE Item 30 (Cont.) Recommended Accountability: Locally Determined Indicators Other LCAP indicators for state and local priorities Other locally designed indicators Districts would not expected to allocate resources equally to indicators but to select strategic goals and make resource associated with those indicators.

Accountability Report to SBE Item 2 The SBE made several decisions on May 11, 2016 regarding the key indicators for the evaluation rubric, which will also be used for the state and federal accountability system (See handout titled “Overall Accountability SBE Graph”).

Accountability Report to SBE Item 2 (Cont.) Overall Accountability Illustration

Accountability Report to SBE Item 2 (Cont.) The SBE approved a design for the Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF) evaluation rubrics that include the following key indicators: 1.Student test scores on English Language Arts/Literacy (ELA) and Math, including a measure of individual student growth for grades 3-8, when feasible; 2. Results on the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) assessment, when available; 3.Progress of English learners (ELs) toward English language proficiency; 4.High school graduation rate; and 5.Measures of student engagement, including suspension rates by grade span and chronic absenteeism, when available. 6.A methodology for calculating performance by combining outcome (status) and improvement (change) for the key indicators in order to differentiate performance at the local educational agencies (LEAs) and school levels, and for student subgroups.

Accountability Report to SBE Item 2 (Cont.) The SBE also approved the following: 1. A methodology for calculating performance by combining outcome (status) and improvement (change) for the key indicators in order to differentiate performance at the local educational agencies (LEAs) and school levels, and for student subgroups. 2.A summary data display for performance on all LCFF Priority Areas for LEAs and schools that prominently shows areas where there are significant disparities in performance for any student subgroups. (See draft displays on the next three slides.)

Analysis to Inform Quality Standards: Graduation Rate Example 3 Dimensions of Outcome and Improvement/Growth Improvement Outcome Very HighHighIntermediateLowVery Low Improved Significantly ExcellentGood Emerging Improved ExcellentGood EmergingIssue Maintained ExcellentGoodEmergingIssueConcern Declined GoodEmergingIssue Concern Declined Significantly EmergingIssue Concern

Accountability – Unofficial Summary Displays Draft Key Indicator Illustration 1

Accountability – Unofficial Summary Displays Draft Key Indicator Illustration 2

Accountability – Unofficial Summary Displays Draft Key Indicator Illustration 3

Accountability Report to SBE Item 2 (Cont.) The SBE also approved the following: 3. Directed staff to provide an update at the July 2016 SBE meeting, options for incorporating the following indicators into the overall LCFF evaluation rubric design: College and Career Readiness Measures A composite measure of EL language proficiency, which includes language acquisition, reclassification, and long term ELs. Local climate surveys, including identification of any items from the California Healthy Kids Survey that could be adapted for use as part of the LCFF evaluation rubrics.

English Language Proficiency Assessments for California - SBE Item 1 The State Board of Education approved the ELPAC regulations development process. Features include the following: 45 day public comment period began Testing window would be February 1 through May 31 Paper and Pencil-based Assessments Operational summative assessment start spring 2018 Operational initial assessments start July 1, 2018 Parents notified before intial assessment administered LEAs have 10 calendar days to send ELPAC results to requesting LEA Corrections Permitted (e.g., initially identified as EL but the student is not an EL student then that can be corrected) If parents indicate only English on the Home Language Survey but the LEA has evidence that the student needs language support, then the support can be provided.

LCAP Templet and ESSA - SBE Items 3, 5, and 6 LCAP Templet – SBE Item 3 Directed CDE staff to proceed with developing a revised template. ESSA Update – SBE Item 5 General Information – No Action ESSA Transition Plan – SBE Item 6 The CDE recommends that the SBE approve the Title I, Part A Transition Plan for SES, Choice, and the related notice to parents for the 2016–17 school year. The CDE also recommends that the SBE approve to eliminate the SES application cycle, discontinue the SBE Approved Provider List for the 2016–18 school years, and start the process of repealing all California Code of Regulations, Title 5 (5 CCR) for SES. With this approval, all pending application reviews and appeals of the SES program, as defined in 5 CCR Section , will no longer proceed and will be terminated.

California Alternate Assessment - SBE Item 7 California Alternate Assessment - SBE Item 7 State Board of Education approved the following: 1. California Alternate Assessment Performance Level Descriptors 2. CAA Student Score Report

Science Waiver - SBE Item 8 Science Waiver - SBE Item 8 The CDE recommended and the SBE approved the elimination of assessments based on the 1998 Science Content Standards assessments which includes the California Standards Tests (CSTs), California Modified Assessment (CMA), and California Alternate Performance Assessment (CAPA) and delegated the authority to the SBE President, in consultation with the State Superintendent of Public Instruction (SSPI), to submit a letter to the U.S. Department of Education requesting federal waiver authority to not double test or report individual student scores for the new CA NGSS summative assessments while conducting pilot testing and field testing, which is consistent with previous authority granted to California when implementing the new English language arts/literacy and mathematics assessments. The CDE recommended and the SBE authorized the CDE, with approval of the SBE Executive Director, to make necessary changes to the current CAASPP contract with ETS, without a change to the total contract amount to implement the transition to CA NGSS.
