How to Make a DVD in Encore
Organization Copy/paste all videos that will be on your DVD to one folder on the C: drive. Also copy to that same folder a music file that will play as background music to the menu.
MENUS Motion Menu Still Image Menu
DVD Menu—Still Image Start with creating your DVD background in Photoshop— 720 x 480, with TV safe zones. Add your still photo to this file. Save as.psd file. Save.psd in the same c: folder as your videos for the DVD.
1. DVD—Still Image Go to start>All Programs Find Adobe Encore 2.0, Open
2. DVD—Still Image Click on New Project
3. DVD—Still Image Click on NTSC, not PAL Then click ok
4. DVD—Still Image Save your project in the same C: drive folder as your videos.
5. DVD—Still Image Once in Encore, go to 1.File 2.Import As 3.Menu Choose your DVD background.psd file in the folder on the C: drive
6. DVD—Still Image Find the Library tab. Browse through the various buttons and choose a button style. Once you have chosen a button, then you need to right click on the button and click Set As Default.
7. DVD—Still Image Now it is time to import your videos. Go to: 1.File 2.Import As 3.Asset Choose your videos from the C: drive.
8. DVD—Still Image Once you have your videos imported, you need to drag each video from the project window to the menu screen. Drag one video at a time. Encore should create a button on the menu that links to your video. You may need to change the text on each button using the T (type) tool
9. DVD—Still Image Now you want to add music File>Import As>Asset, and choose your music file from the c: Next drag your music file from project window to the DVD menu window. You may not see anything change, but it did link the music file.
10. DVD—Still Image Now it is time to preview your DVD. Right click on your DVD menu window and choose Preview from Here. If everything works correctly, you are ready to Burn DVD. Go to Burn DVD
How to Make a Motion Menu By Chris Meidinger
1. DVD-Motion Menu Be sure you have created a brief.avi video to use as a menu background. Be sure it is saved in the same folder as your DVD videos File>Import As>Asset Find your background.avi menu video
2. DVD-Motion Menu Next you want to go down to the library panel and double click on the blank menu.psd.
3. DVD-Motion Menu Right click on the blank menu and choose Rename. Rename it Motion. Click OK
4. DVD-Motion Menu Hold down the alt key and drag your menu.AVI file from the project window to the menu window.
5. DVD-Motion Menu Find the Library tab. Browse through the various buttons and choose a button style. Once you have chosen a button, then you need to right click on the button and click Set As Default.
6. DVD-Motion Menu Next you want to go to the properties panel and click the down arrow for Loop # and click on Forever.
7. DVD-Motion Menu Every time you put buttons on your menu, you need to render it by going to File>Render> Motion Menus. Next preview your menu
How to Burn a DVD
1. Burn DVD Put DVD into the DVD burner drive. File>Build DVD, and click on DVD Disc.
2. Burn DVD Make sure that your Project says DVD disc Make sure that the recorder says D: drive to burn the DVD.
3. Burn DVD Make sure that you click Check Project, and then click Start button. This process will take a few minutes, but it will make sure that all files are working correctly.
4. Burn DVD Click the Build DVD button. Your DVD will transcode and then write to the DVD. This could take minutes or more. When the DVD is finished, make sure to test it in a DVD player hooked up to a TV in the classroom. Be sure to prepare your DVD label.