Sexual Exploitation, Consent and the Law AnyName School Year 10 Tutor Time
What is said in the room stays in the room. The only exception is if there is a risk to a child’s safety, or disclosure of a criminal act, in which case the teacher will have to report this. Choose your words carefully. Use language that will not offend or upset anyone. When you give an opinion, try to explain your reasons. Listen to the views of others, and show respect. Don’t put anyone on the spot. If you disagree, comment on what was said, not the person who said it. If you’re worried about something that has happened to you or a friend, don’t share it with the whole group, but do make sure you talk to the teacher at the end of the session. If you feel upset or anxious at any point, raise your hand at any time and ask for ‘time out’. Possible/Example Ground Rules
School’s and local authorities have a Duty of Care Safeguarding and Child Protection duties Raising awareness of possible dangers Equipping you with information and knowledge Skills and strategies to keep yourself safe Introduction
Raise awareness amongst young people of the law and issues surrounding CSE Raise awareness and understanding of the varying forms that CSE and grooming can take Sign-post to relevant advice and service providers Learning Objectives
So What is Child Sexual Exploitation? It’s a type of ABUSE Some adults may try to draw young people into sexual relationships, offering a young person somewhere to stay, drugs, cigarettes, alcohol, money, a lift or other gifts in exchange for sexual favours. This is sexual exploitation and can happen to anyone of any gender, race, ability, age or sexual orientation. Although often hidden from mainstream society, it is a significant problem affecting a much larger proportion of young people than is often realised.
In young people’s words “ Someone taking advantage of you sexually, for their own benefit. Through threats, bribes, violence, humiliation or by telling you that they love you, they will have the power to get you to do sexual things for their own or other people’s enjoyment.” [the nia project] Working for the Safety of Women and Children
Me, Jenny and Kate
If you were ‘me’ at the party what would you change or do differently and why? What practical advice would you give ‘me’ the next day? Me, Jenny and Kate - Change one thing
1. Prostitution is illegal in the UK. TRUE / FALSE 2. There are estimated to be around 500 prostitutes under the age of 18 in the UK. TRUE / FALSE 3. Touching someone through their clothes still counts as sexual assault. TRUE / FALSE 4. Teenage lads can be victims of sexual exploitation. TRUE / FALSE 5. Girls with older partners are more likely to be victims of physical or sexual violence. TRUE / FALSE Sexual Exploitation, Consent and the Law Quiz
6. There is currently no law that prevents a pimp from earning money through sexual exploiting others. TRUE / FALSE 7. A young person aged under 13 years old cannot give consent to sex. TRUE / FALSE 8. If someone was drunk when they sexually assaulted another person then this wouldn't count and they could escape prosecution. TRUE / FALSE 9. The maximum sentence for sexual grooming in the UK is 10 years. TRUE / FALSE 10. The maximum sentence for rape is a fine and 12 month prison sentence. TRUE/FALSE Sexual Exploitation, Consent and the Law Qu iz
What can you do ? Tell any adult you trust – a member of staff at school, it doesn’t have to be a teacher, a family member or friend, or you can contact somebody at the WISE Project The WISE Project is local and is based in Hove It aims to help people who may have experienced sexual exploitation or who are at risk of it To find out more about The WISE Project or if you are experiencing or know someone who may be experiencing sexual exploitation please get in touch. Call Helen on or
Be Wise: Keep yourself Safe Find us on Facebook under WiseBrightonandHove Follow us on
CEOP Thinkuknow Local Safeguarding Children’s Board/MASH’s ml#brighton_hove More Help and Information
Be Wise: Look after yourself and others