Motivation Zarius Rusli
What is Motivation? Motivation... Is the will to act Comes from different source: persons, environment, work conditions, payment... Comes from „inside“ the humans Relates to how the needs are fulfilled Changes over time, often rapidly Cannot be commanded
People have different needs Self-Actualization Realize own dreams Esteem Needs Recognition, appreciation Social Needs Friends, interaction Safety Needs Security, no fear, no crime Physiological Needs Shelter, food, warmth The Maslow Hierarchy
Basic needs at work Salary are salaries just, market conform includes benefits such as annual bonus, insurance, home loans, car Working conditions working hours, overtime and holidays cleanliness and facilities Company policy formal and informal regulations and how they are implemented absence of harassment Status rank and authority relationship and recognition by colleagues Job security confidence into company continuous employment Autonomy extent of control freedom in executing the job Office life interpersonal relations office culture communication Personal life time for family and friends hobbies and recreation
Motivators at workplace Achievement reaching or exceeding objectives the feeling of having done more than expected Recognition acknowledgement by superiors enhances self-esteem often viewed as most power reward, more than money Interesting job satisfying job pleasure to work learning potential Responsibility delegated responsibility demands leadership skills person feels important Promotion progress in the hierarchy is often seen as formal reward people look for more responsibility and feel recognized when promoted Rewards transparent bonus system rewards are given and not only promised both financial and non-financial rewards are equally motivating
Signs of motivation or demotivation Motivation is, when co-workers – volunteer freely in contributions – react always well to new assignments and requests – work to achieve and not to rule – are happy at work – Respond frankly and open Demotivation is around, when co-workers – Are careless and sloppy, bored – Are aggressive – Don’t smile anymore
10 Ways to build up motivation 1. Improving communication 2. Set your own example 3. Promote discussion and allow time for it 4. Avoid office politics 5. Create a “non blame” culture 6. Foster co-operation and create a helping environment 7. Encourage initiative 8. Look at individuals and find the source of demotivation 9. Give the team a break: a team outing or cultural event 10. Deal with demotivated people