Annual Conference 31 st May 2012 ‘Raising the Bar’ Mario Kreft, MBE Director, Pendine Park Care Organisation Chair, Care Forum Wales
Fulfilled lives, quality of life and well-being of CLIENTS Highly skilled, motivated and friendly STAFF Stability for continual renewal & growth of ORGANISATION Leader and champion of the SECTOR The Pendine Park Clear Purpose and Vision, used to develop individuals and teams.
Passionate… about Quality Feel Good Choice… Empowers Continuity Dignity Person Centred Care Friendly Dedicated Attention to detail Best Practice Expertise Highest Standards Professional Thoughtful Belonging Accountable Independence Team work Purpose Achievement Security Comfortable Significance Individual Peace of Mind “The care is spot on and it is a lovely home” “I’m proud to work at Pendine. We have high standards and pay attention to details” “everyone’s so friendly and caring. And there’s a family feel which gives you peace of mind” “It feels good to work together and focus on how clients feel” “ I can live life the way I want to because I have the right care, at the right time, in the right place.” “We respect everyone as an individual, just as we would wish to be treated ourselves. And I feel respected too and empowered to do my job well.” Person Centred Personal Touch Respect People caring about People Our Brand Values
Great Team working and Communication Respecting, appreciating and valuing each other Pulling together as a team Having 2 way communication and the right information Being fair, open and transparent Positivity and Responsibility Empowers Taking responsibility to ‘get it right first time’ Being engaged and assertive to find solutions not problems The Little Things Paying attention to the detail to deliver quality Continual Learning and Development Daily, action, on the job learning to share best practice Constructive feedback delivered ‘in the moment’ Golden Thread Linking everything we do to achieve our Clear Purpose and Vision Our Cultures – how we do things at Pendine
6 SensesFor ClientsFor Staff Security Continuity Belonging Purpose Achievement Significance Needs met and feel safe Secure conditions of employment Supportive culture Recognise individuality Consistent care in established relationship Able to accommodate changing requirements Positive work experience Clear Expectations & work standards Opportunity to form meaningful relationships Engaged in Meaningful activities (Choice) Make valid and recognised contribution Feel recognised and valued as person of worth Feel part of a team Recognised and valued for work Clearly identified goals Able to provide good care and commitment Use skills & abilities (empowered not dependent) Feel work is valued and matters How often and how do you use the Senses of Good Care in developing individuals and teams and in conversation & training?
Pendine’s work Seeking the essential skills we need Senses of care – we have to work with people to enable them to understand person centred approaches Understanding how to support emotional well-being is the key to the skills, knowledge and attributes our future workforce needs
Today I want us to think about work based learning and consider our options… I will focus on social care because that’s what I know best Welsh Government are professionalising the social care workforce (because of serious care failures) Do we really understand the challenges of this?
Huge task set by our Government that insists on vocational, competence based qualifications for social care Financial resource put in to help – because this is a critical safeguarding issue following serious case reviews Supposed to be delivered as an equal partnership. In the same way as nursing or teaching with practice based learning to underpin theory (similar to the old trade apprenticeships) Do audit and inspection demands dilute delivery by placing pressure on learners who are not ‘ready’ or increase use of assessors who are not always sector competent?
Workbased learning…….. To build a new profession Would we start from here? Is it really working? Balance of bureaucracy against teaching? Numeracy and literacy? It’s not the same as retail or administration It is a difficult area and we should all be concerned because if we live long enough we will access social care ourselves!
Making best use of resources? An equal partnership to make best use of public monies? Benefits to the economy? Looking at the way other professions developed? Trying out different models? The Nurse’s main role seems to be focused upon treating our physical or clinical symptoms What do you think social care practitioners actually need to do?
The Academy of Care Practitioners Shaping and supporting our workforce of the future
Benefits for Care Practitioners A ‘Reference Point’ Education CPD – Care Super Highway Promotion of the importance of social care to society Encouraging registration with CCW Motivation and empowerment of CPs Greater social recognition
ACP Care Practitioners The wider public interest Employment Interests WAG Policy Drivers Care Council for Wales Education Educationinterests People who use services
How do we achieve Gold?