Emperor Claudius By: Lysander Chico, elijah mason
EMPEROR CLAUDIUS (10 BC-54 AD) ●Born in Rome Italy. ●He had an older brother named Germanicus. ●He was a well-educated and intelligent student. ●He was trained for combat at an early age. ●He had a passion for literature and enjoyed reading and writing.
8 FACTS ABOUT EMPEROR CLAUDIUS 1.His own family ridiculed his physical disabilities. 2. He entered politics relatively late in life. 3. He was an accomplished historian. 4. The Praetorian Guard installed him as emperor. 5. He completed the Roman annexation of Britain. 6. He was an avid fan of the Roman games. 7. He was notoriously unlucky in love. 8. Claudius’ death remains a mystery.
EARLY LIFE ●Claudius was born with disabilities which his family saw as a disgrace. ●He did not have any friends. ●He was home-schooled and spent most of his time at home. ●He was looked down upon everywhere he went because of his disabilities.
Invasion of Britain led by Claudius In AD 43, Emperor Claudius wanted to conquer a new land to gain the support of the Roman people. Emperor Claudius
●Claudius was a well-known emperor who had many books written about him. ●Claudius had enjoyed writing and reading during his free time.
In Honor of Emperor Claudius
Notable Actions: ●Reformed the military ●Reformed the financial affairs of the state and empire Ex. He created a separate fund for the emperor's private household expenses and offered insurances against losses of imports on grain in the open sea.
Notable actions continued… ● He instituted judicial reforms, creating in particular legal safeguards for the weak and defenceless. Why is Emperor Claudius and interesting character? ● Claudius, the fifth Emperor of Rome, is an interesting character because he is known for overcoming his weaknesses and surprised people with his intelligence in politics and writing.
Credits Claudius-Emperor-of-Rome-Rarely-Told empire.net/emperors/claudius.html not-know-about-emperor-claudius