Chapter 7 Computer-Aided Design and Drafting in Architecture
Introduction Drafting is changing –Concepts and theories are the same, but tools are different –Traditional manual drafting is rapidly converting to computer-aided design and drafting (CADD) Available in most drafting and architectural schools and is commonly used in architectural firm Computer-aided design (CAD) is a term often used as a reference to computer-aided drafting
Introduction (cont’d.) Creativity happens before computers are used –Bubble drawings for preliminary arrangements –Sketches for ideas CADD systems –Plan components –Reduce or enlarge while keeping proportions –Layers are used to separate information
Architectural CADD Software Products Autodesk, Inc. –AutoCAD Bentley Systems, Inc. –MicroStation Digital Canal Corporation –Building Blocks, SolidBuilder, DetailPro, BidBuilder, and DigitalTakeoff
Architectural CADD Software Products (cont’d.) Google –SketchUp Graphisoft –ArchiCAD Design/Building Series and Virtual Building SoftPlan Systems, Inc. –Softview and SoftPlan
Productivity with CADD CADD increases drafting productivity –Depends on a variety of factors (e.g., task, system, time in use, experience, repetition) –Faster and more accurate Revisions Analyzing Ability to look at several designs at once –CADD workstation Hardware, ergonomics, and positive work habits
Using CADD Templates Pattern of a standard or commonly used feature or features –Created once and used on following drawing –Templates Collection of symbols in a symbol library
Using CADD Templates (cont’d.) Template drawing –Base drawing containing standard components, values, settings, borders, and title blocks Help in creating new drawings by referencing a base drawing –Template drawing section of Student CD Contains several predefined templates
U.S. National CAD Standard Group of agencies develop a single CADD standard for the U.S. –U.S. National CAD Standard (NCS) Allows consistent and streamlined communication among owners, architects and designers, and construction teams Can result in reduced costs AutoCAD and MicroStation were selected as primary applications
Uniform Drawing System Construction Specifications Institute (CSI) –Uniform Drawing System modules Standards, guidelines, and other tools for organizing and presenting architectural information Based on flexibility, consistency, and linking Provides a framework for facility model Adopted by the U.S. National CAD Standard
Model and Sheet File-Naming Standards Model files –Contain individual elements that make up a final drawing –Model file names Standard format based on project code, discipline designator, model file type, and user definable code –Detail files Specific model file type that can include plans, elevations, sections, and details
Model and Sheet File-Naming Standards (cont’d.) Library files –Contain information for more than one project Text files –Notes that can be used on multiple projects Sheet file names –Prepare information for sheet setup
Sheet Identification Sheet names –Similar to file names First one or two characters are the discipline designator –Sheet identifier Located in title block and in any reference to sheet on a drawing
File Management Operating systems provide a tool that allows folder (i.e., directory) creation –Allows storage and organization of files –Project folders contain subfolders May include drawing files, word processing documents, and spreadsheets
Sheet Organization Sheet organization standards –Improve communication and quality control –Make data management easier –Establish consistent sheet organization appearance –Include: Sheet sizes, borders, and title blocks Sheet layout (e.g., drawing area coordinate system and note block)
Schedules Grouping of related features or applications –Formats information in rows and columns –Can be developed as computer-generated databases or spreadsheets May be incorporated into drawings or specifications –May have text and symbols or diagrams –NCS recommends uniform location, format, and information content Consistency and ease of use
Drafting Conventions Provide a standard format for graphic and text content on drawings –NCS conventions include guidelines for: Consistent drawing placement Consistent orientation of dimensions, line representations, and drawing scales –NCS defines scale as: Ratio of measuring units expressing a proportional relationship between a drawing and the full-size item
Drafting Conventions (cont’d.)
CADD Graphics Architectural drafting –A graphic language made up of features Line weights and types Text styles and fonts Dimensioning Terms and abbreviation Notes on drawings Architectural CADD symbols
Drawing on CADD Layers Drawings are made in layers –Perfectly aligned with the others –Each contains independent information –Reproduced individually, in combination, or together
Drawing on CADD Layers (cont’d.) CADD layer names –Discipline designator –Major and minor groups –Status field Advantage of using CADD layers –Ability to send drawing files on disk or through the Internet or an intranet
CADD Plotting Guidelines Forms of drawings created in CADD: –Soft copy and hard copy Scale factors –Numeric value used in the proper scaling of text, and dimension objects Model and sheet layout –Model space and layout space
CADD Plotting Guidelines (cont’d.) Getting ready to plot –Plotter settings –Pen settings –Paper size –Layout Plotting –Drawings may be plotted in an electronic file Allows Internet publishing