Lutheran Central School Grade 7 esus thers ourself aithful nity ove doration onfession hanksgiving upplication
Mrs. Rohr’s Five Expectations Use God-pleasing words and actions Respect others with your materials, body, and noise level Follow directions the first time Ask permission to speak or get out of your seat Be prepared for class
Confirmation 7/8 Supplies: **Bible **catechism **pens/pencils**loose-leaf paper or notebook Confirmation begins on Tuesday, August 18 thConfirmation begins on Tuesday, August 18 th Classes will be held Tues.-Fri. with each student’s own pastorClasses will be held Tues.-Fri. with each student’s own pastor Confirmation (Religion) is a pass/fail gradeConfirmation (Religion) is a pass/fail grade Memory is given by each pastor / hymn of the month verses will be given by me throughout the year EVERY FridayMemory is given by each pastor / hymn of the month verses will be given by me throughout the year EVERY Friday After Confirmation is over…Religion will be taught by me and memory will be given daily, Tuesday-Friday.
Pre–Algebra Supplies: plenty of pencils with erasers RED pens a three-ring binder with loose- leaf paper (used for math only) section dividers thin tip dry-erase markers & rag or eraser Optional Items... Scientific calculator
Homework Happens! due at the beginning of class all work turned in must be in pencil Late Work Policy: - 1 day late = 50% off - 2 days late = a zero but still needs to be completed showing all your work is a MUST!!! extra credit will be offered on test days grades will be posted once a week
Homeroom Business Student agendas are available for $5 in the office Church & Sunday School attendance is taken each Monday & Thursday; 2 or less = 95% for outstanding attendance Grade reviews will only be available through FastDirect (unless a request for a paper copy is made to the office). Report cards will be issued at the end of each trimester 26 AR points are required for 7 th graders ALL medications, including cough drops, need to be kept in the office Don’t forget to check & Fast Direct often for the latest information Students will take the NWEA twice this year as well as the ISTEP+ in the spring
More Reminders… Be sure to go into FastDirect & update emergency info Please remember to return your Health History forms to the office ASAP. Help Sessions will NOT be held weekly; please contact your child’s teacher if extra help is needed in a particular subject area.
Things to Review in the Handbook… DRESS CODE: We ask all students to “dress up” for chapel. If leggings/tights are worn, the shirt must fully cover the upper thigh. Shorts and skirts should be no more than 6 inches above the knee Cell Phones & Electronic Devices… Students must keep cell phones & other electronic devices TURNED OFF & stored in their backpacks/lockers at all times between 7:30 am and the end of the school day. The only exception is that students may use electronic reading devices (i.e. Nooks and Kindles) during AR or free reading time with the teacher’s permission. 1 st offense is a 30-minute detention, 2 nd offense is a 60-minute detention, 3 rd offense is an in-school suspension (THIS IS A CHANGE)
Also Review… Drop-off and Pick-up Routines Arrival at School Cell phones, games, and other electronic devices are NOT allowed in the gym & should be turned off upon entering the gym. Food items should not be brought from home. STAMP Bullying Policy Ethical Use Policy for computers School Attendance and Tardy Policy
Signature Form… After you have gone home and read & reviewed the handbook policies.. …please sign and return the form by Friday, Aug. 14 th Please don’t hesitate… Fast Direct messages will be checked at the beginning of each day and at the end of each school day Or, call me at home anytime before 9pm at