The Office of Overseer 1 Timothy 3:1
“Wage the good warfare!” –In the world, primarily through Prayer –In the church, primarily through Authority What is Church Authority in the Bible? Why do we need to form our church authority according to the Bible?
Biblical Terms for Church Authority Bishop –3:1, ‘Overseer’ –Episkopos: “Episcopalian” churches –Literally: Oversight –Ref: Philippians 1:1
Biblical Terms for Church Authority Bishop Elder –Presbuteros: “Presbyterian” churches –Those who traditionally have authority –The majority term used for church authority –Ref: 1 Timothy 5:17, Acts 14:23
Biblical Terms for Church Authority Bishop Elder Pastor –Poimen: shepherd –Ref: 1 Peter 5:2
Biblical Church Authority An Overseer is an Elder is a Pastor
Biblical Church Authority An Overseer is an Elder is a Pastor Important references: –Acts 20:28 Pay careful attention to yourselves and to all the flock, in which the Holy Spirit has made you overseers, to care for the church of God, which he obtained with his own blood. –Title: Elder (v17) –Calling/ Gift: Pastoring –Task: Overseeing
Biblical Church Authority An Overseer is an Elder is a Pastor Important references: –Acts 20:28 –1 Peter 5:2 shepherd the flock of God that is among you, exercising oversight, not under compulsion, but willingly... –Title: Elder (v1) –Calling/ Gift: Pastoring –Task: Overseeing
Biblical Church Authority An Overseer is an Elder is a Pastor The Stewardship of Christ’s gospel is primarily entrusted to the church through the elders. Let’s be diligent to seek Biblical Church Authority
Biblical Church Authority Important Questions to ask Who is in charge? Jesus, the Apostles, and Elders Should there be more than one elder? -How should the elders relate to the congregation? What qualifies an Elder? What duties is the Elder accountable to?