September 4 & 5 I can use commas correctly with interrupters. I can apply my knowledge of denotation of words. I can apply before, during, and after reading strategies. I can craft a first draft using literary devices.
Grammar Rule #4: Use a comma before and after an interrupter. o Use commas to set off: A noun or pronoun that follows another noun or pronoun to identify or explain o Cheryl, the class president, is giving a speech. Words used in direct address o Ida, do you have my sneakers? Parenthetical expressions o Jackson, on the other hand, would make a great assistant. More Examples: o That boy, in fact, worked very hard. o Linda, my friend who moved to Ecuador, sent me a long letter.
Grammar after all in the first place perhaps generally speaking at least however for example in other words unfortunately of course Some common “interrupters” include: Complete numbers 1-10 on the handout.
Vocabulary Complete “Testing 1-2-3” Tic-Tac-Vo activity. Create a test (with an answer key) using each of your vocabulary words. You could use matching or fill in the blank format. Take this time to STUDY!!!!
Pre-reading Section 7 Pages Before Reading…. Think about the following questions and jot down your thoughts in your notes section of your notebook. o What parts of your life would you most like to escape? Can you escape these elements at some point in your life? If so, how? If not, why not? Read pages
During Reading Questions 1.What does she mean when she says, “I have decided not to grow up tame…” (pg 88)? 2.What does Esperanza’s mother think as she reflects on her own life? 3.How does Esperanza know the truth about the bruises and why does the author repeat the line, “He never hits me hard (pg 92)?” 4.How does the garden change? 5.Why does Esperanza cry under the tree? 6.What was Esperanza expecting from the kiss and why are her expectations not fulfilled? 7.What has Sally gained by getting married? 8.What is the significance of not letting her look out the window?
Open Mind Activity After Reading Put yourself into Esperanza’s place at the end of page 89. Draw objects, images, symbols and quotations from the story to provide a picture of what might be going through her mind. What does it say or mean about her identity? Be sure that you follow each quote with the page number on which it appears. You must include at least 2 quotes.
Writing Write your next “chapter” (this should be #5…1/2 way there). o Choose a topic form your list. o This time include a metaphor, an allusion, and idiom. Remember you should be keeping all your writings together to create your own book!!!