How to use the Jeopardy Template Copy the presentation to your hard drive. Open up the game board slide, determine the category of questions you want to construct and substitute the proper text for each category. Follow the order of the slides to construct questions for each category and put the answers for each question in the following slide. Delete this slide (slide #1) after you are done. Save the file. Note: You may want to substitute the background graphic for your presentation with an image that is more appropriate for your topic.
People Battles Terms North/South Potpourri Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Final JeopardyJeopardy
People $100 He issued the Gettysburg Address and the Emancipation Proclamation.
People $100 Who is Abraham Lincoln?
People $200 He surrendered to Ulysses S. Grant at Appomattox Court House, Virginia.
People $200 Who is General Robert E. Lee?
People $300 This General marched through the South burning property, looting homes, and tearing up railroads.
People $300 Who is General Sherman?
People $400 DOUBLE JEOPARDY She founded the American Red Cross.
People $400 Who is Clara Barton?
People $500 The former Unionist Governor of North Carolina that did not get along with Confederate president Jefferson Davis.
People $500 Who is Governor Zebulon B. Vance?
Battles $100 The first battle of the Civil War.
Battles $100 What is the Battle of Fort Sumter?
Battles $200 The bloodiest one day battle of the Civil War.
Battles $200 What is the Battle of Antietam?
Battles $300 This battle proved that the Confederacy would not be easily defeated and the war would not be short lived.
Battles $300 What is the first Battle of Bull Run?
Battles $400 This battle represented the last major Confederate attack on the North.
Battles $400 What is the Battle of Gettysburg?
Battles $500 This battle was known as the turning point because the Union gained control of the Mississippi River and split the Confederacy.
Battles $500 What is the Battle of Vicksburg?
Terms $100 DOUBLE JEOPARDY The withdrawal of southern states from the United States.
Terms $100 What is secession?
Terms $200 The document that freed all slaves in the states of rebellion.
Terms $200 What is the Emancipation Proclamation?
Terms $300 Ships used by the southern states to get goods and supplies from other countries.
Terms $300 What are blockade runners?
Terms $400 Ships used to ram into the Union navy ships.
Terms $400 What are ironclads?
Terms $400 Full name given to the southern slave states that seceded.
Terms $500 What is the Confederate States of America?
North/South $100 Name given to the North because their goal was to keep the country together.
North/South $100 What is the Union?
North/South $200 DOUBLE JEOPARDY The political party that the South supported for president.
North/South $200 What was Democrat?
North/South $300 The South strictly opposed these because they wanted to make their own trade agreements with whoever they pleased.
North/South $300 What is a tariff?
North/South $400 The name given to the North’s strategy to surround the Confederate states and force a surrender.
North/South $400 What is the Anaconda Plan?
North/South $500 Strategy used by the South to gain the support of European nations.
North/South $500 What is “Cotton King Diplomacy”?
Potpourri $100 This Confederate state contributed the most soldiers to the Confederate army.
Potpourri $100 What is North Carolina?
Potpourri $200 This speech was given to dedicate the battlefield as a national cemetary.
Potpourri $200 What is the Gettysburg Address?
Potpourri $300 Both the North and the South had to do this because there were not enough volunteers to fight in the war.
Potpourri $300 What is draft soldiers?
Potpourri $400 Most of the Civil War battles were fought in this region.
Potpourri $400 What is the South?
Potpourri $500 DOUBLE JEOPARDY The Union set this up so that Southern states could not trade goods and supplies with European nations.
Potpourri $500 What is a blockade?
Final Jeopardy The names of the four slave states that did not secede from the Union.
Final Jeopardy Answer What are Missouri, Kentucky, Maryland, and Delaware?