Mrs. Mills Welcome Parents!
Folders Send folders everyday Send money in envelopes with your child’s name on it Send notes in folders
Going Home If it is necessary to change the routine during the year, please do so by writing a note and sending it in the folder. Meaning if your child is usually a bus rider and you are picking them up that day, we must have a written note from you. The office will call to verify changes. We will only change the plans if you let us know.
Lunch and Snack Must send snack everyday Lunch money can be sent by week or month in your child’s folder I will ask for special treats throughout the year for parties May send special treats for birthdays
How I Teach Hands on Interactive Small group Whole group Discussion Follow up work sheets When absent it is difficult to “make up” the work.
Behavior Systems We are a PBS School (Positive Behavior Support) Rams Tokens Charm Necklaces Smiley Face Charts I want you to assume your child is doing well. I will contact you if there is a problem.
7:10-7:35 Arrival, Journal, Morning Work 7:35-8:35 Acceleration/Morning Meeting 8:35-9:15 Specials 9:15-9:30 Snack 9:30-10:45 Literacy/Open Court 10:45-11:00 Bathroom Break 11:00-11:30 Lunch 11:30-12:00 Rest/Read Aloud 12:00-12:30 Recess 12:30-1:30 Math 1:30-1:55 Daily Wrap up/Pack Up Schedule
Specials Monday -PE Tuesday- Library/Computer Lab Wednesday- No Specials (Show and Tell) Thursday- Music Friday- Art
Reading Whole group and small group instruction Open Court Phonics Literacy Centers Differentation
Open Court Sound Cards
Writing Pictures Dictation Sounds Graphic Organizers
Math Numbers to 30 Sorting, patterning Graphing Shapes Comparing and Contrasting Attributes Calendar Skills Positional Words, visual spatial tasks Problem solving
Science and Social Studies Highly integrated with reading and writing Done through our thematic unit studies
Title One- Math Numbers and Operations Develop number sense for whole numbers Connect model, number word (orally), and number using a variety of representations- Count objects in a set- Read and write numerals- Compare and order sets and numbers- Recognize equivalence in sets and numbers Measurement Compare attributes of two objects using appropriate vocabulary Geometry Model and use directional and positional vocabulary Algebra Sort and classify objects by one attribute
Title One- Language Arts Phonemic Awareness- Identifying Rhyme- Identifying words that start the same Reading- Book and Print Awareness - Answers questions appropriately- Recognizes own name in print Alphabet Recognition (out of sequence)- Identify most capital letters- Identify most lower case letters Beginning Sound Recognition- Identify most letter sounds
Title One- Language Arts Writing- Is able to recognize and write his or her own name without copying or assistance.- Draws a focused picture with a detailed character and setting. Is able to articulate what is happening in the drawing in logical sequence. Detailed character includes body parts (no stick figures). Students should begin to write their own sentence for their picture (this does not mean correct spelling – students should start writing beginning and ending sounds).- Writes first name
Aims Web Established=performing on or above the goal. Emerging=performing slightly below the goal. Deficient=performing below the goal and needs more intensive instruction at home and school. No matter how your child scored in each area continue to review nightly. Also remember that the test is a timed test. Each one is scored in a 1 minute timed session.
Aims Web TestEstablishedEmergingDeficientWinter Goal End Of Year Goal Letter Naming38/min47/min Letter Sounds22/min35/min Phoneme Segmentation24/min44/min Nonsense Word19/min32/min Oral Counting59/min69/min Number Identification49/min56/min Quantity Discrimination19/min27/min Missing Number10/min13/min
Please call or me if you need anything at all! (School) (Cell)