Parent Orientation Mrs. Blanchette September 15, 2015 Mrs. Blanchette September 15, 2015
Our Schedule / 7:35-7:45Unpack, Announcements / 7:45-8:55Math-BUILD / 8:55-9:40Science / 9:40-10:25Specials (Art, Music, Gym) / 10:25-10:40Snack and Read Aloud / 10:40-10:55Phonics / 10:55-11:25Shared Reading / 11:25-11:50Writing / 11:55-12:25Lunch / 12:30-12:50Recess / 12:50-2:20Guided Reading Daily 5 / CLI (Library)- Fridays (B week) 10:30 / 7:35-7:45Unpack, Announcements / 7:45-8:55Math-BUILD / 8:55-9:40Science / 9:40-10:25Specials (Art, Music, Gym) / 10:25-10:40Snack and Read Aloud / 10:40-10:55Phonics / 10:55-11:25Shared Reading / 11:25-11:50Writing / 11:55-12:25Lunch / 12:30-12:50Recess / 12:50-2:20Guided Reading Daily 5 / CLI (Library)- Fridays (B week) 10:30
ABCs of First Grade by Mrs. Blanchette
/ A - if your student is absent please send a note or to Diane Briscoe. / B - BEE Books help us to stay organized; / Birthday treats are welcomed. / C – Conferences- student led conferences will be 2 times a year. Feel free to schedule a conference at any time. / A - if your student is absent please send a note or to Diane Briscoe. / B - BEE Books help us to stay organized; / Birthday treats are welcomed. / C – Conferences- student led conferences will be 2 times a year. Feel free to schedule a conference at any time.
/ D - Discipline: Positive Behavior Support: Cool Cat Cash and school store, Being a Bucket Filler / E - / F - field trips – Our first field trip is to the Paramount theater to see “Elephant and Piggy” on February 1 st. Our second field trip is to the Austin Nature Center on May 6 th. Remember to wear class shirt. Fieldtrip fees need to be paid through Family Access Fee Management. / G - Grading Policy-Performance Based Report Cards / H – Homework-Please don’t stress / I - I invite you to sign up to volunteer. All classroom volunteers will be required to have a background check. / D - Discipline: Positive Behavior Support: Cool Cat Cash and school store, Being a Bucket Filler / E - / F - field trips – Our first field trip is to the Paramount theater to see “Elephant and Piggy” on February 1 st. Our second field trip is to the Austin Nature Center on May 6 th. Remember to wear class shirt. Fieldtrip fees need to be paid through Family Access Fee Management. / G - Grading Policy-Performance Based Report Cards / H – Homework-Please don’t stress / I - I invite you to sign up to volunteer. All classroom volunteers will be required to have a background check.
/ J - Journals -we do a lot of writing. Please encourage your child to write at home as much as possible. / K - keep updated by checking your child’s Bee Book nightly / L - Library-we go every other Friday. / Lunch- 11:55-12:25. Please talk with your child about purchasing additional “snack” items. / J - Journals -we do a lot of writing. Please encourage your child to write at home as much as possible. / K - keep updated by checking your child’s Bee Book nightly / L - Library-we go every other Friday. / Lunch- 11:55-12:25. Please talk with your child about purchasing additional “snack” items.
/ M - Please send lunch money in pouch or add money to your child’s Pay Pam account. If your child gets a stamp on his/her hand, they need lunch money. / N -News Blasts (Peek of the Week) will be sent each week telling what is going on in the classroom as well as upcoming important dates. / O - book orders-Scholastic online / P PTA -if you have not joined please consider joining / Room Moms-Alecia Bergeron and Jessica Glass / Parties - 3 this year- Winter Holiday, Valentine’s Day, and End of Year / M - Please send lunch money in pouch or add money to your child’s Pay Pam account. If your child gets a stamp on his/her hand, they need lunch money. / N -News Blasts (Peek of the Week) will be sent each week telling what is going on in the classroom as well as upcoming important dates. / O - book orders-Scholastic online / P PTA -if you have not joined please consider joining / Room Moms-Alecia Bergeron and Jessica Glass / Parties - 3 this year- Winter Holiday, Valentine’s Day, and End of Year
/ Q - please ask if you have any questions / R -report cards -they will be available on Family Access 4 times this year as well as interim reports every 3 weeks / S - please send a healthy snack with your child daily / Subs R Us- in need 1 time a month atleast / T -transportation changes- Send a note or call the office. If you me, please do not assume I received it unless I reply to you. / Q - please ask if you have any questions / R -report cards -they will be available on Family Access 4 times this year as well as interim reports every 3 weeks / S - please send a healthy snack with your child daily / Subs R Us- in need 1 time a month atleast / T -transportation changes- Send a note or call the office. If you me, please do not assume I received it unless I reply to you.
/ U and V - We all work as one unit to keep our students safe. Visitors must sign in at the office, show an ID, and get a badge in order to be on campus. / W -water bottles / X - extra supplies are sometimes needed / Y -your thoughts? / Z -zzzz I hope I did not put you to sleep! / U and V - We all work as one unit to keep our students safe. Visitors must sign in at the office, show an ID, and get a badge in order to be on campus. / W -water bottles / X - extra supplies are sometimes needed / Y -your thoughts? / Z -zzzz I hope I did not put you to sleep!
Thank you for sharing your child with me this year. Thanks for coming and I look forward to a great year!!