DIGESTIVE SYSTEM 0072 Have your digestive system notes and diagram on your desk. Have on your desk 5 different color pencils or markers.
TODAY’S AGENDA DIGESTIVE SYSTEM Finish digestive system notes and diagram. Coloring and labeling the digestive system. Digestive System Quiz
Peristalsis performs what actions? How long does food need to remain in the stomach for proper digestion? Name the 3 accessory digestive organs discussed in class.
Mouth Teeth Salivary glands Mechanical vs chemical Pharynx Esophagus Food tube Posterior to trachea
Smooth muscle Mechanical-chemical digestion 3 hours Held by special sphincter muscles Heart burn?
20 ft long 3 sections Duodenum Jejunum Ileum Most digestion and absorption occurs Accessory organs Liver, pancreas, gall bladder
5 ft long Water and salt reabsorbed - Average time 24 hours - Diarrhea - Constipation
Digest Food Absorb nutrients into the blood stream. Remove waste from the body.