Falls-Lenox Primary School Wall to Wall Data 1
Background ➢ Intervention based Assessment Team, IAT, serves over 750 students ➢ Need to provide intervention to students in a timely manner ➢ Shift from individual to small group interventions 2
Why? A successful face to face team is more than just collectively intelligent. It makes everyone work harder, think smarter, and reach better conclusions than they would have on their own. - James Surowiecki in Results NOW by Michael Schmoker 3
How? Grade level teams meet to review data to: -assess what students are learning -measure the extent to which students are making progress toward goals -to make instructional changes aimed at improving student achievement 4
Data Team Process 1.Gather the data MAP, DRA given Fall Winter Spring 1.Analyze the results at Data meetings Data Wall Grade Level Data Sheets 5
Data Team Meetings 6
Data Team Process 3. Identify students needing intervention and enrichment at monthly Data Team meetings 7
Data Team Action Plan and Record 8
Data Team Process 4. Select effective intervention strategies What skill? Who? How often? Where? Complete SMART Goal sheet 9
Data Team Process 5. Determine results indicator - How do we know if we’ve met our goal? * Targeted instruction on a specific skill or skills Pretest/baseline data Posttest 11
Evaluate the impact of a strategic interventions on students’ academic outcomes among groups of students with reading difficulties. Determine whether to continue the intervention, start instruction on a new skill, discontinue instruction. After 6-8 weeks 12
Reflecting on Student Progress Celebrate successes! 13
Together we accomplish great things! 14