Faculty Meeting Feb. 15, 2012 Icebreaker Icebreaker “One-Pager” Report “One-Pager” Report AVID Weekly AVID Weekly
What are One-Pagers? The One-Pager report combines visual and textual elements to help students analyze and interpret what they have just read or studied.
One-Pagers combine the use of questioning and summarization (also important components of Cornell notes). One-Pagers combine the use of questioning and summarization (also important components of Cornell notes). Can be included in Interactive Notebooks. Can be included in Interactive Notebooks. *Allow students to be Creative (one of the four Cs in 21 st Century skills – critical thinking, communication, collaboration, creativity) *Allow students to be Creative (one of the four Cs in 21 st Century skills – critical thinking, communication, collaboration, creativity)
Adaptations? If you are not using a text the students could create a one-pager that is about a specific subject or topic: logs, waves, etc. If you are not using a text the students could create a one-pager that is about a specific subject or topic: logs, waves, etc. Limit the requirements - i.e., no quotation or parenthetical reference. Limit the requirements - i.e., no quotation or parenthetical reference.
Template to Support Summarization 1. What is this paragraph or section about? What is it saying? __________________________ _____________________________________ 2. On the lines below, record essential information from the reading passage that is relevant to your reading purpose. _________ ______________________________________ 2. Seamlessly combine ideas from above into one or two concise summary sentences.
AVID Weekly Uses current newspaper articles from the Washington Post/Bloomberg News and McClatchy-Tribune news services. Uses current newspaper articles from the Washington Post/Bloomberg News and McClatchy-Tribune news services. Sample lessons use critical reading strategies in conjunction with articles. Sample lessons use critical reading strategies in conjunction with articles.
Sample Article
AVID PATH Workshops Saturday, March 17 Workshop strands: ELL, English Language Arts, History/Social Science, Math, Science Workshop strands: ELL, English Language Arts, History/Social Science, Math, Science South San Francisco High School, 9:00 – 3:00 South San Francisco High School, 9:00 – 3:00
AVID Strategies Workshop Tuesday, March 20 Solano COE 4:30 – 7:00 Workshop introducing and highlighting AVID WICR strategies including: Workshop introducing and highlighting AVID WICR strategies including: –Cornell Notes –Organization & Binders –Inquiry: Levels of Questioning –Philosophical Chairs –AVID Tutorials –College Awareness