Data access and sharing policies Ecosystem Approach Community of Practice (EA-CoP) Data access and sharing policies Towards the finalization of the document Related to Doc. iMB5/2014/8.1a,b Fifth iMarine Board meeting June 2014, FAO (Rome) Fifth iMarine Board meeting, June 2014, FAO (Rome)
Status of the document Agenda item 7 Outstanding points for the Terms of Use What’s next? Agenda item 8 Overview of the Community Best Practices Outstanding points What’s next? Outline Data access and sharing policies Fifth iMarine Board meeting, June 2014, FAO (Rome)
The document on Data access and sharing policies for the Community of Practice is structured as follows: o Terms of Use (including disclaimer) o Privacy Policy o Community Best Practices (a collection of principles, how the infrastructure can be best exploited from high level perspective) o Guidelines (the hands-on how-to manual) Status of the document (1) Fifth iMarine Board meeting, June 2014, FAO (Rome) Data access and sharing policies
New draft version following the fourth iMarine Board Meeting (iMB4, October 2013) Major modifications: o Terms of Use and Privacy Policy (Doc. iMB5/2014/8.1a) o Further feedback from FAO officers of the Legal Office (LEG) and of the Corporate Communication Division (OCC) o Document consolidation and terminology harmonization o Editorial checks o Community Best Practices (Doc. iMB5/2014/8.1b) feedback from CNR officers, terminology harmonization, improved Wiki documentation, new topics on: o meta data formats o data usage metrics o preservation policy o infringement notification o links to guidelines o Guidelines A set of Wiki pages in different maturity levels, an hands-on manual with features partially supported by the infrastructure Status of the document (2) Fifth iMarine Board meeting, June 2014, FAO (Rome) Data access and sharing policies
The iMarine Consortium (the Consortium) is considered as the possible legal entity for the iMarine Policies The iMarine web infrastructure (the Infrastructure) is the other component referenced in the Terms and includes the hardware, software, services, content, resources, etc. Statement of liability of the Consortium vs. ensuring users to trust the services provided by the infrastructure Preservation policy (for the time being there is only a precautionary statement) Terminology may need to be further harmonized Terms are dependent on the business model (i.e. who can subscribe the Infrastructure, capacity and performance of a VRE, etc.) From iMB4 iMarine responsibility with regards to the content? Should be only for personal information, integrity and security of the infrastructure. Content is under personal responsibility. Agreements (e.g. MoU, SLA) can be used for specific arrangements but need to be consistent with the Terms which should be generic with no variation Outstanding points for the Terms of Use Fifth iMarine Board meeting, June 2014, FAO (Rome) Data access and sharing policies
The iMB5 meeting constitutes the final milestone towards finalizing the document on data access and sharing policies, with the aim to have the final version endorsed by Board Members before the end of the iMarine project. Test the Terms of Use against actual VREs and products to identify real gaps (e.g. run tests against use cases listed in iMarine Wiki with the understanding that the envisaged policies are not yet fully supported by the infrastructure) What’s next? Fifth iMarine Board meeting, June 2014, FAO (Rome) Data access and sharing policies
1. Introduction – 1.1 Commitment to Open Data strategy – 1.2 Commitment to Open Access strategy 2. Metadata 2.1 Business metadata policy 2.2 Formats and standards policy 3. Best use of Creative Commons (CC) licenses 4. Option for exposing content: Sharing and Publishing 5. Derivative product - Secondary use 6. Data collection policy 7. Citation policy 8. Acknowledgment to iMarine 9. Data usage metrics 10. Preservation policy 11. Submit an infringement notification 12. Definitions 13. Links to guidelines Community Best Practices - Structure of the document Fifth iMarine Board meeting, June 2014, FAO (Rome) Data access and sharing policies
Many best practices are at vision stage as well as the related guidelines and are not supported by the infrastructure yet Business metadata: is it a viable solution? With which format? (See proposal in Wiki) CC-By license is recommended, where feasible. Is it agreed? Citation, there are various options, which is the preferred style and mechanism? Preservation policy (to be discussed also in agenda item 9) Links to Guidelines Also Best Practices are dependent on the business model (i.e. which level of commitment for open data and open access, data usage metrics, preservation policy, infringements, etc.) Outstanding points for the Best Practices Fifth iMarine Board meeting, June 2014, FAO (Rome) Data access and sharing policies
Similar to the Terms of Use, the aim is to have an advanced version of the Community Best Practices endorsed by Board Members before the end of the iMarine project. Therefore, it is needed to: identify the priority topics endorse the underlying visions recommend supporting features so as to drive the software development to allow the implementation of the best practices. Test the proposed best practices against actual VREs and products What’s next? Fifth iMarine Board meeting, June 2014, FAO (Rome) Data access and sharing policies
Many thanks for your feedback ! Fifth iMarine Board meeting, June 2014, FAO (Rome) Data access and sharing policies