What is public health? Contributors: Paul Brown SWPHO Peter Cansfield EMPHO James Holinshead EMPHO
Public health What is it? Early history Who works in or contributes to public health? How is it organised? Main functions Major public health issues Some examples of practice
"Health care matters to all of us some of the time, public health matters to all of us all of the time" C. Everett Koop
What is health?
“A state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and is not merely the absence of disease of infirmity.” (World Health Organisation, 1948) “The extent to which an individual or group is able to realise aspirations, satisfy needs and to change or cope with the environment “ (World Health Organisation, 1984)
What is Public Health? The science and art of preventing disease, prolonging life, and promoting health through the organised efforts of society Acheson 1988 in the Public Health in England report Public health is concerned with improving the health of the population, rather than treating the diseases of individual patients. Chief Medical Officer
Well-being? For these purposes we will consider health and well-being to be the same thing
Public health Focuses on the entire population even when they are not ill Rather than Individuals when they become ill Therefore Public health regards the community as its patient
The Faculty's Public Health Approach Is population based Emphasises collective responsibility for health, its protection and disease prevention Recognises the key role of the state, linked to a concern for the underlying socio-economic and wider determinants of health, as well as disease Emphasises partnerships with all those who contribute to the health of the population
Individual & Population Health IndividualPopulation HistorySymptoms of illness Indicators of population health ExaminationSigns of illness, bio- chemical tests Surveillance, epidemiological information, Health Needs Assessment DiagnosisLabel to describe what has gone wrong Key health issues PrognosisOutlook associated with individual disease Outlook associated with trends and disease patterns TreatmentIndividual interventions Population based interventions, Health Protection, screening, Vacc & Imm, NSFs
What does it involve? Assessment of health needs Monitor health status of population Programmes for risk reduction/screening Communicable disease control Planning health services Evaluation of provision of health services Manage and implement change Work with other agencies to maximise health gain
W H Duncan ( ) Liverpool Town Council (1847) Act of Parliament (specific to Liverpool): for the Improvement of the Sewerage and Drainage of the Borough of Liverpool UK’s first medical officer Died aged 57 “worn down by the uneven contest” of struggling with Liverpool’s health problems Obituary: the health of Liverpool was so improved that there was “no longer any occasion for the salary of a medical officer at £700 per year” Thanks to Dr Tim Crayford, DPH Croydon PCT
Sir John Simon First Medical Officer of Health for London (1848) Medical Officer to the General Board of Health (1855 c/o Public Health Act) Lecturer, St. Thomas’ hospital Medical Officer to the Privy Council in (1859) President Metropolitan Association of Medical Officers of Health ( ) Chief Medical Officer to the local government board Published the first annual public health reports Vaccination 'He endured, perhaps with too little patience, the constantly recurring pinpricks of official interference' Thanks to Dr Tim Crayford, DPH Croydon PCT
Who contributes to public health? (even though it may not say so in their job description) 3 main categories (CMO) –Professionals who spend some of their time in PH related work – teachers, other healthcare workers, other government officers, systems engineers –Professionals who spend major part of their work in PH issues – health visitors, health promotion, information, EHO –Specialists – strategic/senior level – ability to manage change and lead PH programmes Who else?
How is PH organised? Department of Health (DH) Strategic Health Authorities (SHA) Primary Care Trusts (PCT) Regional Public Health Groups (RPHG) Local Authorities and Local Strategic Partnerships Health Protection Agency (HPA) Public Health Observatories Faculty of Public Health (FPH)
Organisation of public health DH RPHGSHA PCT HPA HPU FPH DH Other Government Departments Regional offices Local Authorities Voluntary agencies etc
Main functions 3 main areas 1.Health protection 2.Health and social care 3.Health improvement
1 Health protection Communicable disease control Environmental health Emergency planning Disease and injury prevention
2 Health and social care Quality Clinical effectiveness and efficiency Clinical governance Audit and evaluation Service planning
3 Health improvement Inequalities Lifestyles Education/housing/employment/ environment – broader determinants of health
Link to inequalities – geographical variations A boy in Manchester can expect to live over 7 years less that a boy in Barnet A girl in Manchester can expect to live 6 years less than a girl in Kensington, Chelsea and Westminster but there are pockets of deprivation everywhere and health inequalities affect all parts of the country Premature CHD deaths one of the biggest reasons for inequalities
Actions to tackle inequalities Providing a sure foundation through a healthy pregnancy and early childhood improving opportunity for children and young people improving NHS primary care services tackling the major killers: CHD and cancer strengthening disadvantaged communities tackling the wider determinants of health
Drivers for Public Health (1)
Drivers for public health (2) Wanless and the PH imperative Policy: Tackling Inequalities & Choosing Health Public Service Agreements (PSA) Community Service Agreements (CSA) Local Authority Agreements (LAAs) Local Strategic Partnerhsips (LSPs) Local Operational Plans (LOPs) Organisational change – reform agenda PBR / PBC and new structures Financial imperatives and contrary aims
Summary Public Health contributes to health on a population basis by assessing needs, interventions and by implementing population level changes by working within and beyond the health sector Public Health is vital if we are to prevent illness and have affordable health care, now and in the future Organisational change and government policies both help and hinder the public health agenda
You should now know a little about: What is it? Early history Who contributes to public health? How is it organised? Main functions Major public health issues Some examples of practice