The Essentials
1. In headings and subheadings 2. In controlling idea sentences 3. In major details
Direct Definition Clues: – The ENTIRE purpose of the sentence is to define the word. Transition clue words or phrases that let you know it is a direct definition clue: Is/are, means, refers to, is defined as EX: Biology is the study of life. TIP: Everything after the transition word or phrase is part of the definition!
The definition is given, so you will not have to look up the word. Transition clues: PUNCTUATION!! – commas, dashes, parentheses. EX: Sam is too taciturn – sullen and untalkative - to be a politician. TIP: Everything within the punctuation is part of the definition. Test it by taking out the definition to see if the sentence makes sense.
Look for prefixes, suffixes, and roots Break the word into parts
Prefixes – A combination of letters added to the beginning of a word to change the meaning. ◦ Ex: Tie; Untie
Suffixes – A combination of letters added to the end of a word that change the part of speech and the meaning EX: Govern = verb GovernMENT = noun
Roots – Combinations of letters that can appear anywhere in a word and always have the same meaning. EX: geo = earth; ology = study of SO, geology means “the study of the earth.”
Find a known word within a long word. Adjust the meaning of the known word using the prefixes and suffixes.
Some words have multiple prefixes and suffixes Break them ALL off the word to find a familiar word within the long word You canNOT always read left to right to get the meaning!! Play with the word parts to see how they fit together
Anti/dis/establishment/arian/ism ◦ Anti – against ◦ Dis – not ◦ Arian – one who or a person or people ◦ Ism – the state or condition of Definition: The state of (ism) being against (anti) people (arian) who are not for (dis) the establishment
1. Look up the word in your dictionary. ◦ Find the definition that fits the context of the sentence. 2. ALSO, look up the word in your thesaurus. ◦ Choose the BEST one or two words. ◦ Confirm that your definition makes sense in the sentence by replacing the unknown word. 3. Highlight the word in the text and write your one or two word definition in the margin.
Let the meaning of the rest of the sentence help you understand the word. EX: Synonyms ◦ Sam is loquacious and Harriett is talkative, too. ◦ Loquacious = talkative ◦
“And” and “too” signal synonyms. ◦ EX: Gloria is persnickety AND is Mabel is picky and fussy, too. Persnickety means “picky and fussy.” You know this because of the words “and” and “too.”
But, however, though, and on the other hand signal antonyms (opposites) ◦ EX: Gloria is persnickety BUT Mabel is easy to please. Persnickety means NOT easy to please You know persnickety is the opposite of “easy to please” because of the word “BUT.”
Use word parts Use your background knowledge Look up words within definitions that you do not know.
Dictionary definition – an instrument for measuring spectra (Useless as a definition) and no thesaurus synonyms Dictionary definition of spectra – a series of colors formed when a beam of white light is dispersed (as by a prism) so that its parts are arranged in the order of their wavelengths. Spec as a word part = see Meter = an instrument for measurement My background knowledge – Oh, a spectra is something that creates a rainbow. So, a spectrometer an instrument that measures the colors in the light spectrum such as a rainbow.
Tips for learning words you want to remember
Visualize the author’s or dictionary’s example. ◦ That helps you understand the word. Visualize an example that is meaningful to YOU. ◦ That helps you REMEMBER the word!!
The GARGANTUAN (huge) creature was going to rip me apart and then eat me!" (See the creature in your head – visualize.) MentaIly BE THERE! ◦ Imagine yourself standing next to a mad, gargantuan creature and FEEL the adrenaline rush.
Write the sentence with the unknown word underlined on one side of your note card. Write the SHORT definition on the other side of the card. Study your cards. THIS WORKS!!
NEVER try to memorize long strings of words in difficult definitions to learn the meaning of a word. DO select one or two key words or a phrase to remember. DO see and feel YOUR example as you study the word.
Listen to the word on your electronic, speaking dictionary. Repeat the word. (These tips activate your auditory memory.)
Relate the word to words you already know. Ex: GARGANTUAN (very large) has a similar meaning to the words gigantic, huge, large,
small, medium, large, very large, GARGANTUAN. Small, tiny, minute, MINISCULE.
EGREGIOUS (extremely bad) Think EGG REACH US - imagine we've made a mistake so bad that they are throwing eggs at us and a rotten EGG REACHes US
READ! WANT to improve your vocabulary! Increase your background knowledge!