Chapter 25 essential terms
Positivism Theodore Comte Positive Philosophy ( ) 3 stages of human thought 1.Theological : religious explanations of nature 2.Metaphysical – abstract inquiry 3.Positive : scientific explanations of nature.
Social Darwinism Herbert Spencer Survival of the fittest applied to social institutions (gov’t, business, diplomacy, etc.). Darwin: Competition strengthens species Thus, competition strengthens society Competition (and victory) is necessary Implied? – Might makes right? Imperialism? Racism??
Psychoanalysis Sigmund Freud Attempted to apply scientific methodology to finding and describing causes of neurosis. Attempted to find meanings and clarity through dreams Conscious vs unconscious Id, ego, superego
Kulturkampf “culture struggle” Bismarck : Chancellor of new united Germany Saw Cath church as threat to national (German) unity. Church vs. state May Laws (1873): controls on education, qualifications, and oversight of priests Failed: provoked Catholic resentment
Zionism Jewish Nationalism Theodor Herzl Reaction against rising anti-semitism and Alfred Dreyfus affair
Keynesian economics Modern liberalist approach to economics John Maynard Keynes Active government involvement in economy – Monetary policy – Fiscal policy
Realism and Naturalism Literary movements Guided by scientific objectivity Portrayed harsh realities of life Rejected romantic idealizing of nature and society Dickens De Balzac Zola
Modernist art/literature Rejection of Realism Concern with aesthetics and perception of beauty. More abstract than traditional art.