WELCOME to our Third General Meeting for Spring 2016!
GENERAL MEETINGS Select Tuesdays CPE :00pm to 8:00 pm FREE FOOD! Next meeting on February 23 with Cielo Wind Power
PROJECT MEETINGS Wednesdays – ACA 103 5:00pm to 6:00 pm Project Manager Patrick Palar -Wireless Charger -Coil Gun -Grid Model -Wireless Charger -Coil Gun -Grid Model
MEMBER PERKS No membership fees, all our events are free, just come to our events! Most active members will have a chance to win gift cards! Exclusive access to test bank T-shirt And more…
IEEE PES: EVENTS Nuclear Reactor Tour – CANCELLED Center for ElectroMechanics Tour Pickle Research Center 03/25/12 – Mark your calendars !
UT EVENTS UT Energy Week 2016 02/16 to 02/19 Eter-Harbin Alumni Center Experts in academia, industry, government, non-profit discuss the most pressing energy issues Please register online!
IEEE Smart Tech Workshop 02/26/16 - Friday AT&T Conference Center Topics include power, energy, energy storage, photovoltaics, internet of things, security, robotics, 3-D printing, and more Please ask us for more info! UT EVENTS