DIS Working Group Report LBA Science Steering Committee Meeting Florianópolis - SC - Brazil Abril 26-28, 2007 Laurindo Campos (INPA) Luiz Horta (CPTEC)
Topics Data Registration / Archive Status Data Registration status for EU and BR teams System Updates Report on 19 th SSC Recommendations
LBA Data Registration Status
LBA Overall Status: Metadata Registered in Beija-flor N=780
LBA Overall Status: Metadata Registered in Beija-flor
Metadata Registration Status by Component N=48 N=77 N=600 N=55 There are still data sets with unavailable or restricted data and several BR and BR-EU teams have only posters registered -- no data.
Data Set Documentation Part of the LBA metadata file for each data set Use the LBA Metadata Editor (LME) to add this information to existing metadata Documentation fields: Data Set Overview Data Characteristics Data Application and Derivation Quality Assessment Data Acquisition Materials and Methods References Metadata (w/ documentation) is exported as a Data Set User’s Guide for the archives
Data Documentation Status Number of documentation fields completed in metadata Should documentation be a LBA requirement ?
Data Preparation for Long-Term Archive Preliminary Documented Data Maturity Final Archive-ready Project Office responsibility Investigator responsibility (including documentation
Data Registration & Archive Ongoing tasks… Continue the analysis of data in archive but not registered -- theory was that much of the “missing” EU/BR & BR data may actually be archived but not registered
Data Registration & Archive Ongoing tasks, cont. Continue the effort to get registered data into the archive In May we received final data from one LBA-ECO Phase I team for which we never received preliminary data. Many early LBA projects (BR and BR/EU teams) have still not delivered data to LBA DIS. There may not be any way to identify all data that should be delivered to the archive: LBA-ECO has used publications as the guide. As LBA-ECO data sets become final, fully quality-assured data replaces preliminary data, and the data are documented and prepared for archive at the ORNL DAAC, these final data sets & documentation will be provided to LBA DIS as well.
Data Registration & Archive Ongoing tasks, cont. Increase in the number of data sets archived mainly due to data ‘chasing’ activity with positive result. DIS group has been using an automated process to identify and report all broken links of metadata records enabling the discovery of de-activated/off-line servers. The process makes multiple attempts to access each URL before reporting it as a broken link. Though the process is automated, it is a time-consuming, manual process to review the broken link report and either edit typo’s in the metadata that are causing the errors, or report actual broken links to the host web sites.
Number of files in LBA DIS Archive, by disk area TOTAL Nov 2005: TOTAL May 2006: TOTAL Apr 2007: Updated April 19, 2007 Increased number of data sets archived -- >
System Updates We do NOT have a LBA Data backup in place. Suggestions: 1)IDEAL SOLUTION: purchase another system to act as a server backup (data files + Beija-flor/LME backups) : COST: about R$ ,00 (2 units: Offices CPTEC and INPA – Estimated cost: ,00) 2)IMMEDIATE NEED SOLUTION: purchase 2 Terabyte of disk for data backup only : COST: about R$ 4000,00
System Updates More PRE-LBA CDs for distribution are needed: PRE-LBA CDs inventory: - CPTEC: 14 sets - ORNL : about 20 sets Cost to produce 1000 sets (3000 CDs) : R$ 2,37 * 3000 = R$ 7.110,00 (about US$ 3,648.00) (cost taken April 13, 2007) Pre-LBA CD request from Postdam, Germany
Just another CD request from UFAL
LBA Server traffic: LBA-DIS NOTE: Intense activity from Chinese colleagues (copying presentations) (China Science and Technology Network) Question: Should we allow only LBA personnel to access this data?
CEOP ISSUES Jair Maia was nominated LBA-CEOP Coordinator (replacing Jose Marengo). In Jan/2007 LBA submitted 6 files to CEOP.
LBA Data submissions to CEOP during the last 6 months: Manaus –SFC: Surface Met. And Radiation: Nov 01,2004 – Mar 31,2006. –FLX: Flux Data: Oct 01,2004 – Sep 30, 2005 –TWR: Met Tower Data: NIL –STM: Soil Temp & Moisture: NIL Brasilia – NIL Rondonia – NIL Caxiuana –NIL Santarem –NIL PANTANAL NIL
Publications Management
Acervo Total Livros /Folhetos Dissertações e Teses Separatas/Reprints Total Publications Available
Search Interface – soon.
Input data from LBA (indexed and gray literatures in PDF format) Input data from LBA- ECO (from NASA external reference manager) LBA-DIS FTP Site Library Database LBA-DIS backup area Data is treated following eight steps. LBA Publications Management Library Web Site Bibliopac Library at INPA Request Printed Material internet Library Users
Report on 19 th SSC Recommendations
Report on 19 th SSC Recommendations: “ The LBA SSC recommends that the ORNL DAAC post the LBA data policy with all LBA data sets for a period of 5 years following archival of the data sets and encourages the ORNL DAAC to suggest that users of the data contact the originators of the data even beyond the 5 year period..” –DONE ! “ The LBA SSC recommends that the LBA DIS meta-data be searchable by Google and similar internet search engines ” –Work in progress: we have implemented a simple text search in Beija-flor. It is no different from the plain text search that has always been available, but simply presents a less complicated interface. The search results are not ranked or analyzed by Google. “ The LBA SSC recommends that the LBA publication list clearly separate publications into at least three categories to include: Peer-reviewed publications in professional journals and similar venues; theses and dissertations; and other publications including semi-popular literature such as newsletters ” –On Going Work (Search Interface)
Decisions expected: Back-up unit for LBA server (CPTEC and Manaus) Pre-LBA CDs Upgrade Infrastructure (Regional Offices - Hardware/Software)
Thanks! CONTACT: Laurindo Campos – Luiz M. Horta -