Section B Elements of the Gothic 2 hours long 40 marks available for Section A, 40 marks for Section B.
Band 6 (34-40 marks) AO1 use of appropriate critical vocabulary and technically fluent style/ well structured and coherent argument AO1 always relevant with very sharp focus on task and confidently ranging around texts AO2 exploration and analysis of key features of form and structure with perceptive evaluation of how they shape meanings AO2 exploration and analysis of key aspects of form and language with perceptive evaluation of how they shape meanings AO3 detailed and perceptive understanding of issues raised in connecting texts through concept of gothic/pastoral AO3 perceptive consideration of different interpretations of texts with sharp evaluation of their strengths and weaknesses and with excellent selection of supportive references AO4 excellent understanding of ways of contextualising gothic/pastoral AO4 excellent understanding of a range of other contextual factors with specific, detailed links between context/text/task
“Gothic Literature is concerned with the breaking of normal moral and social codes”. Discuss. Give a brief overview of contextual issues- how did Shelley seek to break moral and social codes at the time of writing? To what extent does Shelley present Frankenstein as going against ‘normal’ behaviour? Find examples. How does Frankenstein break boundaries set by God or mankind? How does Shelley present the repercussions of this to the reader? How does Shelley aim to challenge the perception of what was culturally ‘normal’ at the time of writing in her presentation of the monster? How does the plot and structure of Frankenstein challenge social conventions? (Story within a story within a story) How would the readers respond to these moral and social conflicts? Do we interpret them differently now?
“If a text is to be labelled as Gothic, it must convey a sense of fear or terror” Discuss this view in relation to the texts you have been studying. Discuss why Shelley might have aimed to create a sense of fear or terror (refer to writing of the time). What inspired the story- came from a dream. How does Shelley use language to create fear, terror? What examples of this are there in the text and how does it create fear for the readers? How is the novel structured to create anticipation and suspense? (3 stories) Is this less successful to a modern readership? Are there examples of delays or withholding information- a difference between reader knowledge and character knowledge. How does Shelley use narrative perspective and point of view to convey a sense of fear or terror?- look at descriptions and building of anticipation. What dramatic/ verbal or powerful emotive descriptions does Shelley use? How does Shelley aim to appeal to her readers at the time and how does this differ with a modern readership? How successful are the extremes of fear and terror that gothic sometimes has? Do the extremes detract from the success of the novel? Is it funny in places as it is so hyperbolic?