What is the bigger meaning?
The theme of a literary work is its main idea. It is a general statement about life. It could be a life lesson: “Don’t judge a book by its cover.” It could be a moral: “Slow and steady wins the race.” It could be a universal (general) truth: “Determination pays off.”
Think of the story “The Golden Touch” What did the king wish for? How did getting his wish change his life? Did getting his wish change his life in the way that he thought it would? Why does this theme (Money is not everything) fit the king in this story.
Title: “The Golden Touch” Universal Theme: Gold (money) isn’t everything. How do the traits and actions of the characters show the theme? The king changes. In the beginning, he only values gold. After losing his daughter, he realizes that no amount of gold will make him happy. Abstract Nouns Ungrateful/appreciative Unsatisfied/satisfied
How do the story events (plot) show the theme? 1. At first, the King does not realize that he lives a life filled with beauty. 2. He gets the chance to have as much wealth as possible. 3. His daughter turns to gold, and he realizes that he has lost her. 4. He begs Dionysis to reverse the wish so that he can have his old life back.
Are there any other themes that could come out of this story?