Addition – add four digit numbers including decimals Year 5 - Formal written method What is add 9.847? Year 6 - Formal written method, larger numbers, adding fractions, negative and positive numbers Leon won £363.67, Kurt won £ and Razia won £ How much was the total winnings? Show your workings.
Addition – add four digit numbers including decimals, addition of fractions 1.Add 45,821, 123,567 and Add 1/5 to 7/10 3.Add 5/8 and 3/ 4 ?
Subtraction – subtract four digit numbers including decimals Year 5 - Formal written method- borrow/exchange A book costs £7.93, how much change will I get from £20? Year 6 - Formal written method, to use and apply The distance from Jack’s house to Joe’s house is km. Jack travels km from his house. How much further does he have to travel to reach Joe’s house?
Subtraction-Subtract four digit numbers including decimals 1.The temperature is 3 degrees at 10am. It drops to minus 4 degrees by 5pm. How much has it dropped ? 2.I buy a shirt for £15 and a pair of jeans for £ How much change do I get from £50.00 ?
Multiplication – HTU x U, TU x TU, TU x U.t Year 5 - Formal written method either grid or column What is 72 x 38 ? Year 6 - Formal written method column method What is 123 x 45 ?
Multiplication - multiply whole numbers and decimals 1.56 x 87 = x 8 = x 9 = 4.A school raises money for charity. If 261 children brought in £3 each, how much did they raise altogether?. They need to raise £1000. How much more do they need to collect?
Division –with remainders as fractions and decimals Year 5 - Short division with fraction remainders and THTU divided by U What is 93 divided by 4 ? Year 6 - Short division with decimal remainders What is 950 divided by 4 ?
Division – remainders as fractions and decimals divided by divided by divided by 42
Four operations – use and apply 1. Prove that 7 + (2 x 3) = 13 (BODMAS) ? = x 5 (Balancing equations) 3.Jack buys a bottle of water for £1.20 and a banana for 25p he pays with a £5 note. How much change does he get? ( Two step questions ) 4.Ten people share £10 equally. How much do they get each ? How much is left over ? 5.Which is greater ¾ of £15 or 20% of £50 ?