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1-6 Adding and Subtracting Rational Numbers
Video Tutor Help Subtracting mixed numbersSubtracting mixed numbers (1-6) Adding mixed numbers using improper fractionsAdding mixed numbers using improper fractions (1-6) Adding and Subtracting Rational Numbers Adding Rational Numbers Subtracting Rational Numbers Word Problems Subtracting mixed numbers Adding and subtracting fractions Khan Academy Brain Pop 1-6 Adding and Subtracting Rational Numbers Course 2 Arithmetic Operations with Fractions Arithmetic operations with fractions can be visualized using the number line. This chapter starts by adding fractions with the same denominators and explains the logic behind multiplication of fractions.
Video Tutor Help Finding absolute value Comparing and ordering integers using absolute value or a number line Adding integers using rules Subtracting integers Subtracting integers to solve problems Adding integers using a number line Multiplying integers Dividing integers to solve problems Writing a fraction as a terminating decimal Writing a fraction as a repeating decimal Ordering fractions and decimals Writing terminating decimals as fractions Ordering rational numbers
Worksheets Daily Notetaking Guide Worksheets Version A Practice, Guided Problem Solving Lesson 1-6 Practice 1-6 Guided Problem Solving 1-6
Vocabulary Practice Vocabulary 1A: Graphic Organizer Vocabulary 1B: Reading Comprehension Vocabulary 1C: Reading/Writing Math Symbols Vocabulary 1D: Visual Vocabulary Practice Vocabulary 1E: Vocabulary C Vocabulary 1F: Vocabulary Review Puzzle Vocabulary (Electronic) Flash Cards
Additional Lesson Examples Step-by-Step Examples Lesson 1-6
Lesson Readiness Lesson Quiz Problem of the Day Lesson 1-6
Example 5-1a Find. Write the sum in simplest form. Estimate The denominators are the same. Add the numerators. Answer: Simplify and rename as a mixed number. Add Fractions
Example 5-2a Find. Write the sum in simplest form. Add the whole numbers and fractions separately. Add the numerators. Simplify. Answer: Add Mixed Numbers
Example 5-3a Find. Write the difference in simplest form. Estimate The denominators are the same. Subtract the numerators. Answer: Simplify. Subtract Fractions
Example 7-1a Use as the common denominator. Find. Rename each fraction with the common denominator. Add the numerators.Answer: Add Unlike Fractions
Example 7-2a Find. Estimate Rename each fraction with the LCD. Add the numerators. Simplify. Answer: The LCD is 30. Add Fractions
Example 7-3a Find. Write in simplest form. Write the mixed numbers as improper fractions. Simplify. Rename fractions using the LCD, 24. Add Mixed Numbers
Example 7-3a Simplify. Answer: Add the numerators.