inmigrar (to immigrate)
1. It is important that immigrants immigrate legally (legalmente).
*dedicarse a (to dedicate oneself to)
2. It is a shame that politicians are not dedicating themselves to the struggle of inequality.
*elegir (e-i) (to elect)
3. It is necessary that we elect a new president.
perder (e-ie) (la elección) (to lose) (the election)
4. It is possible that Donald Trump will lose the election.
influir (i-y) (to influence)
5. It is probable that minorities (minorías) will influence the election.
*destrozar (to destroy)
6. It is a pity that terrorists destroy the right to live peacefully (pacíficamente).
*castigar (to punish)
7. It is impossible that the court punishes all of the combatants.
*merecer(se) (to deserve)
8. It is best that all people deserve basic (básicos) human rights.
*otorgar (to grant)
9. It is possible that the government grant amnesty to people under the Dream Act.
*fortalecer (to strenghten)
10. It is uncertain that we are strengthening the borders against (contra) terrorists.
promulgar (una ley) (to enact) (a law)
11. It is probable that the president is enacting a law to help unaccompanied immigrant children.
*tener derecho a… (to have the right to…)
12. It is ridiculous that women in some countries (paises) don’t have the right to vote.
Escogan 5 verbos que no fueron mencionados antes y escribe 5 oraciones en inglés y español usando el subjuntivo. Modelo: Ojalá que los legisladores se den de cuento que los inmigrantes se merecen los derechos humanos básicos.