Focus: 4/30 Spain’s dominance of the America’s helped lead to a Golden Age. Establishing trade routes like the Manila Galleons, the Triangular trade, and the Columbian Exchange helped Spain become a powerhouse. Spain’s strong economy allowed them to excel in the arts, literature, and education. Most of this Golden Age occurred during the reign of the Absolute ruler, Philip II. Points for Discussion: What was the Golden Age of India? Term to Know: Absolute Rule Critical Lens: Spain’s strong economy allowed them to achieve a Golden Age.
Columbian Exchange As a result of Spanish dominance in Americas, Columbian Exchange begins
Columbian Exchange
Golden Age of Spain
Charles V rules Spain from 1519 – 1556 in constant warfare
Golden Age of Spain Philip II expands Spanish influence, strengthens Catholic Church, and makes his power ABSOLUTE!!!!!!
Golden Age of Spain
Philip II claims to rule by Divine Right Philip II battles Protestants to increase Catholic power.
Golden Age of Spain 1550 – 1650 called Spain’s “Golden Century”
Golden Age of Spain El Greco excels in art
Golden Age of Spain Diego Velazquez – Maids of Honor
Golden Age of Spain Miguel Cervantes writes Don Quixote
Golden Age of Spain Spanish Armada becomes world’s most powerful of navy.
Closure Illustrate three features of any Golden Age. Explain three specific features of Spain’s Golden Age