Stewards CPO 1 pm1 Gerry Doucet Dir Naval Personnel & Training Directeur du Personnel et instruction de la Marine Sept 2015
Background What we do for the Navy and the CAF (our mandate) Our current structure The future PLAN - AGENDA
On 1 Sep 98, the Steward occupation was transferred to the Sea Operations Branch from the Logistics Branch NPF Accounting First Aid mandate Background
OUR MANDATE Steward (STWD): The functions of STWD are to provide and manage; NPF financial activities, aboard HMC Ships, Messes & Institutes, bar services, ships' exchanges and accommodation services. They plan and maintain merchandise inventory controls; purchase merchandise for ships' exchanges and messes & institutes; perform inventory control, stocktaking and accounting procedures; procure materiel and services and manage NPF civilian personnel.
STWDs also provide NPF bookkeeping and administrative NPF financial management services for ships (messes, exchange and other ships activities). STWDs apply military customs, etiquette and protocol to CF social functions; maintain physical and security standards for the safekeeping of funds, material and facilities; provide limited food service; implement hygiene, sanitation, fire and safety practices; and operate and maintain equipment used. STWDs will dispense and coordinate First Aid Training for the RCN.
Stewards have 319 Billets in the CAF Currently 83 non RCN billets, that is 26% of the occupation’s manning. (RCAF and CMP) CURRENT STRUCTURE
Positions as of the 22 June 2015 STWD PositionsRCN Averages % outside CC16.76% % In CC193.24% % CC1 Billets away from coast 4 At sea numbers/ % vice Coastal Jobs 64.92% % REAL SEA RATIO %59.11%Sea54.86% REAL SHORE %40.89%Shore45.14% On coast numbers/ and average % of the time 91.08% % Ashore on coast/ average % of the time 35.08% % Away from coast / average % of time 5.78% %
The RCN is right now in a tremendous period of transition. All sea-going occupations will be impacted!
Conclusion The world will not be the …but rather the way we are way we wish… prepared to help make it. Combat Service Support Logistic for the Canadian Navy will be at the centre.