Playing the Piano on a black fin Scott Pio ECE 3551 – Microcomputers Dr. Kepuska
Problem Statement: The original idea was to just have frequencies go up and down when button one (up) and button two (down) were pushed. I then integrated the idea to playing the piano.
Background of a piano Piano has 88 keys meaning 88 different frequencies
Integration into black fin Blackfin only has 4 keys Had to make an Array of 64. Wanted to show what key that was coming through with the LED’s This is the reason for 64 frequencies only
Button declarations First button goes up one Frequency while adding bit 1 to led lights. Second button goes down one frequency while subtracting bit lights.
Accomplishments Had a completely successful project. Side Note: Noticed frequency oscillate the actual table I was working on. Experimented with the actual frequencies and found small oscillations inside the table it self. If we had more buttons on the board it self, we would have been able to mimic a piano.