Elements of Music Advanced Humanities Adkins
Sound A sound has: a) ___________ (measured in vibrations per second – like hue w/color). There are actually 11,000 measurable pitches but most Western music focuses on _____ pitches (think piano). A ______________ is an arrangement of 8 pitches played in ascending or descending order. (Pitch = Tone = Note) Ex: Do Re Me (Sound of Music) In a scale, some notes may be played as sharps or flats. These notes are the black keys on a piano,. = Sharp – Up ½ pitch Ex: F # = Flat – Down ½ pitch Ex: B b
How Do You Write the Pitches on a Staff? (the lines below) Treble Clef –The right hand on a piano (also, instruments such as flutes, trumpets, clarinets, etc.) use the Treble Clef. We will only be learning the Treble Clef. _______________________________________________
Sound (continued) A sound has b. ______________ - how long a note is played Time for Intro to Reading Music Handout c. ______________ - the degree of loudness or softness pp pianissimovery ___________ p pianosoft mp mezzo pianomoderately soft mf mezzo fortemoderately loud f forteloud ff fortissimovery ___________
Rhythm Rhythm consists of: a) ______________ (the individual pulses we hear) Ex: tap your foot/heartbeat
Rhythm (continued) Rhythm consists of: b. meter - how beats are clustered Beats are clustered into ________________ Quadruple Meter – _______ Triple Meter - 3/4 Duple Meter – 2/4 Double Bar Line Bar Line
Now, let’s write the rhythm for “Jingle Bells” (8 measures – make all of your notes a B) ________________________________________________________
Now, let’s write the rhythm for “Mary Had a Little Lamb” (8 measures – make all of your notes a C) ________________________________________________________
Rhythm (continued) Rhythm consists of: c. tempo - rate of ___________ of the composition Largo – Very slow Adagio – ___________________ Moderato – Moderate Allegro – _______________ Presto – Very fast
Melody Melody is a succession of sounds with rhythmic and tonal organization – both linear and horizontal _________________ - shortest recognizable part of the melody around which a composer may design a composition _______________ – The central piece of the melody which is often restated and varied
Harmony Two or more tones sounded at the same time –Interval – two tones –__________________ – three or more tones –Consonance – harmony that is pleasing to the ear (in your culture) – Most Western music is consonant –____________________– harmony that is not pleasing to the ear (in your culture) –Cadence – bringing the harmony/melody to a sense of ending
Texture ________________________ – A single musical line exists without accompaniment – Many instruments or voices may be heard at the same time, but they have to be on the same note at the same time. – Gregorian Chant Polyphony – Two or more melodic lines of relatively ____________ interest are performed at the same time. A.k.a. counterpoint Homophony – When chords accompany one main melody – They don’t have to be the exact same melodies but they would not be played independently. They all support the main ______________. Most music we listen to is homophonic.
Form Tones and rhythms that proceed without purpose or stop arbitrarily make little sense to the listener – therefore composer creates a coherent composition of sounds and silences A composer creates form primarily through ______________________ A song is written in either open form or closed form.
Closed Form - 1. Binary – AB (second part answers the first) 2. Ternary Form – ABA ABA is also called Sonata Form A – Exposition B – ________________________ A - Recapitulation 3. Rondo – ABACADA ______________ Form – 1. Fugue – A polyphonic development of one, two, or sometimes three short themes 2. __________________ – Melody is repeated(Row, Row, Row Your Boat) 3. Canon - Like a round, but the material that is repeated changes