Ideas for Change in HIV Care The Quality Academy Tutorial 15
2 Learning Objectives: You Will Learn About… What change concepts are Examples of change concepts and improvements in HIV care Where to find best practices Learning Objectives
3 Tips For Viewing This Presentation Skip to other slides in the presentation Read along with the narrator Search for keywords in the presentation Play, rewind and fast forward Review current slide View full screen Tips for Viewing
4 Key Question How can my HIV care program adapt and use solutions that have worked for others? Key Question
5 Exploring Change Concepts Change Concept Definition Change concepts applied to everyday activities: Hiking: take big steps Soccer: run to space Baking: handle the dough/batter as little as possible Piano playing: don’t look at the keys Kayaking: paddle shallow
6 More Change Concepts Eliminate waste: eliminate multiple entry Improve the work flow: minimize handoffs Focus on time: reduce set-up or start-up time Mistake proof: use differentiation Change Concept Definition
7 HIV Improvement Collaboratives Sponsored by HRSA HIV/AIDS Bureau Goals: Working collaboratively Learning from each other Collaborative Demonstration Projects: 2000: Part C and D 2002: Part A 2005: Part B 2006: Low Incidence Initiative Part B Collaborative Change Concept Definition
8Examples Important Publications
9 A change concept is: Test Question A) A specific idea of something different you should try B) A general idea of an area where you might make a change C) A notion or approach that helps you develop a change to test your own organization D) None of the above E) All of the above
10 Chronic Care Model Examples
11 Changes to Strengthen Community Create a consumer advisory board Create and maintain an updated list of community resources Raise community awareness through networking, outreach and education Establish linkages and connections to care within/across organizations Identify and remedy current gaps in community resources Examples
12 Community: Case Example Anchorage Neighborhood Health Center Improve relationships with community resources Quarterly case management meetings Consumer advisory board Group educational efforts Examples
13 Changes to Improve the Organization of Health Care Assure senior and clinical leaders visibly support/promote improvement efforts Assign accountability for continued clinical improvement at all levels of the organization Make improving HIV/AIDS Disease care a part of the organization’s vision and mission Integrate models into the “fabric” of the organization Examples
14 Organization of Health Care: Case Example Albany Medical College AIDS Program Focus on senior leadership Structured meetings with all personnel, monthly or semi- monthly Changed meeting format Examples
15 Changes to Facilitate Self-Management & Adherence Train providers and other staff on how to help patients with self-management goals Set and document self-management goals collaboratively with patients Tap community resources to achieve self-management goals Use planned visits in the individual and group setting to support self-management Follow up and monitor self-management goals Examples
16 Self Management & Adherence: Case Example Panhandle Community Services Health Center Registry print-out as a self-management tool Reviewed with patient each visit Used by all providers Patient then takes it home Graphs found to be useful Examples
17 Changes to the Delivery System Design Describe and document the new delivery system design Assign roles, duties and responsibilities for all tasks Educate patients about delivery system design Include planned visits in the individual and group setting Make designated staff responsible for follow-up Examples
18 Delivery System Design: Case Example AIDS Care Group, Chester Pennsylvania New organization, new design responsive to client needs Clinical specialist Counselors Outreach systems Examples
19 Changes That Provide Decision Support Provide feedback to providers on their use of care guidelines Educate patients about guidelines Establish linkages with key specialists Incorporate community-based staff (social workers and case managers) into decision support Provide continuous skill-oriented interactive training programs for all staff Embed current guidelines in the care delivery system Examples
20 Decision Support: Case Example Christiana Health Care Services Educational events for staff Quick reference cards Medical Director reports at staff meetings Examples
21 Changes to Strengthen Clinical Information Systems Establish a registry Develop an information infrastructure Allocate resources for computer hardware and software, establishing and maintaining technical support, and personnel to support and maintain the registry Use the registry to provide feedback to care team and leaders Develop processes for use of the registry: data entry, data integrity, and registry maintenance Use the registry to generate reminders and care-planning tools for individual patients Examples
22 Clinical Information System: Case Example Monroe County Health Department Computer-based patient data system Accessible to care team members at all sites Consistent senior leadership support Used to identify patients in need of screening Examples
24 The best source for information about changes that will improve HIV care is: Test question A) HRSA HAB's website B) National Quality Center's website C) IHI's website D) None of the above E) All of the above
25 Key Points A “change concept” is “a general notion or approach to change that has been shown to be useful in developing specific ideas for changes that lead to improvement” (Langley, Many change concepts have been developed for HIV care; the HRSA HAB improvement collaboratives are a good place to start NQC is a forum for sharing information about best practices Key points
26 Resources Langley, Gerald et. al., The Improvement Guide. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 1996 Improving HIV Care: A Modular Quality Improvement Curriculum. Available on the National Quality Center website at: HIVQUAL Workbook: A Guide for HIV Providers, New York State Department of Health AIDS Institute, Available on the National Quality Center website at: For more information about the chronic care model, go to: Resources
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28 Related Tutorials To learn more about HRSA’s improvement collaboratives and the Improvement Model, study Tutorial 12 To learn more about PDSA Cycles, study Tutorial 13 Related Tutorials
29 The Quality Academy For further information, contact: National Quality Center New York State Dept. of Health 90 Church Street, 13 th floor New York, NY Work: Fax: Or visit us online at In Closing