Getting you thinking: Extension: What evidence might we consider? What might we take into consideration when evaluating the multi-store model?
Models of Memory The Multi-Store Model (MSM) Evaluation Cognitive Psychology Memory
Learning objectives By the end of this lesson you will be able: To list ethical considerations in relation to experiments To use appropriate key terms to explain the results of research carried out by Glanzer & (1966)Cunitz in relation to the MSM To suggest evaluation points in terms of strengths and limitations of the MSM
CLASS EXPERIMENT! Ethics! What should I be doing now?
Experiment Jump Echo Beach Orange Two Button Poster Rain Book Fork CD Holly Man Yoyo Apple
Experiment Jump Echo Beach Orange Two Button Poster Rain Book Fork CD Holly Man Yoyo Apple
Results Condition 1 – recall immediately after presentation of words Condition 2 – distracted counting backwards from 30 in 3s then recall
Some more key terms Free recall = ? Primacy = The words you heard first. You rehearsed them and kept going over them so they had been transferred to your long term memory. Recency = The words you heard last. You had heard them most recently so they were then easier to recall when you were asked to write them down. These were therefore still in your short term memory. The words in the middle? These are often much harder to recall because they have nowhere to go, so can be forgotten or replaced by other words that fall into the two previous categories Extension: Clive Wearing can’t remember whether he can play the piano, but we have seen he can play excellently. How do aspects of Clive’s case support the MSM?
Glanzer & Cunitz (1966) The distracter task had disrupted the fragile STM, but not the primacy portion (words at the beginning) as this had already gone into the LTM due to rehearsal This research supports the MSM as it shows there are separate stores for STM and LTM Spot the typo?
Differences between STM & LTM They differ in – Duration – Capacity – Coding Make sure the boxes on your MSM diagram have been completed
Evaluation Notes Using your text book, make notes on evaluation of the MSM. Putting the ideas into your own words will involve information processing, and as you now know, this processing will help you to form long term memories, thus aiding your revision at a later date! Do not just copy the wording from the book!
Learning objectives Are you now able to do the following? List ethical considerations in relation to experiments Use appropriate key terms to explain the results of research carried out by Glanzer & (1966)Cunitz in relation to the MSM Suggest evaluation points in terms of strengths and limitations of the MSM
Homework Due next lesson: 1.Complete the ‘Evaluation of the MSM’ handout 2.Revise the MSM in preparation for a short assessment in the next but one class!