Improving basic language skills Presentation at the SICI-conference: Raisings standards through innovative inspections London, 7 and 8 June 2012 Thematic inspection on improving quality of education in Dutch language. Herman Franssen
Overview of this presentation Short introduction of risk based inspection in the Netherlands. Thematic inspections on basic language skills. A few examples: The differences between well- and poorly performing schools in Dutch language Portraits of successfull schools The quality of education in writing texts
Risk based inspection Annual risk-analyses: based on signals and student results. No risks Basic arrangement/ trust for sufficient quality. Risks interview school board quality inspection of the school School has shortcomings customized inspection arrangement: weak school very weak/failing school Public report of findings and arrangement. Schoolboard: actions to improve quality. Monitoring improvement by inspection.
Thematic inspections: National Assessment on certain topics Intention to investigate the quality of a certain aspect of education on the national level. Context: improving basic skills of language (reading and writing) and arithmatic. Several thematic investigations and reports about Dutch language education about decoding about the level of performing language skills about differences between well- and poorly performing schools about the quality of education in writing texts Two (or three) examples.
Differences between well- and poorly performing schools Special developed framework to assess the quality of education Dutch language. Framework indicators related to evidence based knowledge. Inspections on nearly 300 schools of PE. Conclusion: In particular the quality of the teaching-learning process of well performing schools is much better, than that of schools with poor results.
Characteristics of well-performing schools Better quality of: general instruction skills of teachers * teachers provide a clear instructions * teachers create a task-oriented working atmosphere * pupils are actively involved in the learning activities subject related skills * teaching vocabulary * teaching strategies (for reading comprehension and for writing) * providing feedback to the children
Characteristics of well performing schools Better quality of: the curriculum * the curriculum is adapted to the characteristics of the population of the school (vocabulary) * the curriculum is offered to the level of year 8 the learning time: * more time for teaching language the extra care for children with special needs the quality care: * more focus on achieving better results
General conclusion Teacher and school: you can make the difference!
Good practices: Omslag in taal (a different approach regarding language education) Objective: Portraying good practices of schools that successfully improved the language skills of the pupils, to stimulate and inspire other schools. Portaits of several kinds of schools. Portraits of several aspects of language education (decoding, comprehensive reading, writing, vocabulary, spelling, oral communication).
Approach Selection of 10 schools. The inspector acts as a reporter, no ‘assessment’ by the Inspectorate. Interviews with the school management, staff, children, parents. Topics: motives for the improvement process, the chosen interventions, the execution of the interventions, the results. Film recordings of interviews and of language classes.
Omslag in taal
The publication Publication of the book intended for all primary schools. Several examples of successful schools. Book includes the ‘stories’ of the schools, quotes, illustrations. Success factors according to the schools. Theoretical background of several themes. Videos on internet (
Reasons for success Give professional development of the teachers top priority. Improve both teaching skills and the curriculum for language. Start with improving basic didactic skills, hereafter focus on specific didactic skills. Invest in the awareness of ‘Teachers can make the difference’. A culture of: ‘We can achieve better results’.
Improving the teaching of writing skills Subjects that schools have chosen to improve: Fluent reading 79% Comprehensive reading60% Vocabulary57% Decoding56% Language education young children 53% Oral communication4% Writing3% Are there no shortcomings in teaching children to write?
The quality of the education in writing Curriculum65% satisfactory Time86% satisfactory Didactics32% satisfactory Matching the lessons to pupils’ learning needs 3% satisfactory Writing in quality care4% satisfactory
Recommendations for improvement Brochure about the strong and weak points of the education of writing: “Focus on writing!” Recommandations for improvement for teachers by experts Objective: generate more attention for teaching writing provide suggestions for improvement Effect of the findings of this thematic inspection: Dutch universities started researches on teaching text writing increased attention for writing: conferences for teachers
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