Environment Matters “The Library’s space is your place!” Revisions in Red!
Question Would you let elementary students conduct science experiments without the use of a science lab? Photos of science lab/ or lab materials in classroom
Question How can a high school home economics class take place effectively without the use of a kitchen? Photos of cooking without a kitchen type environment
Question Would going to a middle school basketball game be as fun if there were no gym? Photos of a basketball game taking place without a gym environment
Question Then how would you expect students to develop literacy, critical thinking, or lifelong learning skills without the use of a learner centered environment? Photos of school library environment(s)
Environment Matters Insert research article quotes to support claims that have a slow overlap effect so the audience can see quotes about: Environment and learning (effects) School library structure and Critical thinking and reflection Learning and school environment (elementary findings) Learning and school environment (secondary findings)
The Library’s space is your Place for Hands on learning Access to resources Access to technology Co-teaching instruction for every content area Reading, reflection, and critical thinking A mix of photos showing sections of the library and hands on learning, print resources, technology, co- teaching, reading, reflecting, and critical thinking
There’s room for you! This place is your space Reserve Space in your Place! As the librarian, I can help Imagine the possibilities Don’t delay… reserve space in your place today!
Acknowledgement Slides All media used with permission Photos from Flicker Commons and the J.P. Starks Media Center Music by Friska Viljor “On And On”