Welcome to Unit 8 Laws, Policies and Regulations CE240…Christine Terrill I am glad you are here for live seminar! See you at 9:00 PM!
Weekly Reminders Complete readings and read Web Resources Complete the graded review Complete Discussion Board: Post detailed responses to discussion question (100 words or more) Share detailed feedback with at least 2 classmates Post response to Seminar Option 2 IF you do not attend seminar Begin work on Unit 9 Project
Course Outcomes Course Outcomes: By the end of this course, you should be able to: 1. CE240-1: Identify common disabilities among young children with special needs. 2. CE240-2 Explain the necessity of early identification of special needs and the importance of early intervention. 3. CE240-3: Describe characteristics of effective strategies for young children with special needs. 4. CE240-4: Identify developmentally appropriate practices for young children with special needs using real world experiences. General Education Outcomes: In addition, the following General Education outcomes are assessed during this course: 1. GEL-1.1: Demonstrate college-level communication through the composition of original materials in Standard American English (Unit 9 Project) 2. GEL-6.5: Use electronic libraries/databases for research purposes (Unit 9 Project) ** These will be assessed during this term…but these do NOT count toward your grade in anyway! You will find these in the grade book in some units. You can read the information about these under the course home page under course level assessment.
Unit 9 Project Step by Step: 1) You are going to create a brochure that will include information and resources for young children (Birth- 3 years old) with special needs, (Please use the template provided to you, but feel free to change the font and color to make the brochure more appealing.) 2) How is a child screened and evaluated? Please refer to the template and describe what you learned from researching state early intervention programs that can be used by an early childhood care professional to promote early identification of and early intervention for infants, toddlers, and young children with disabilities. This section of the brochure should include 3-5 complete sentences and an appropriate heading. *Go to Google or another search engine and put in the search box, for example, Early Intervention, Florida 5
Unit 9 Project Continued 3) Describe the necessity of early identification of special needs and the importance of early intervention. Please refer to the template and describe what you learned from researching state early intervention programs that can be used by an early childhood care professional to promote early identification of and early intervention for infants, toddlers, and young children with disabilities. This section of the brochure should amount to at least one full paragraph and include an appropriate heading. *Go to Google or another search engine and put in the search box, for example, Early Intervention, Florida
4)What are some specific examples of services available and what do these services entail? Ex. Physical therapy 5) In this section of the brochure, research specific examples of services available. Make sure to share what services and organizations are available to assist these families and describe what the services entail. This section of the brochure should include 3-5 complete sentences and an appropriate heading. 6) *Go to Google or another search engine and put in the search box, for example Services for children with language delays 7) Share at least 4 characteristics of effective strategies for young children with special needs. Please refer to the template and describe at least 4 characteristics, in full sentences, of effective strategies for young children with special needs. This section of the brochure should amount to at least one full paragraph and include an appropriate heading 8) Use the link below to access Kaplan’s Library to research resources that focus on these effective strategies. You will need to share and compare your findings between what you researched and what you learned in this course. ademicSupport%2fAcademicSuccess%2fResources%2fResource9.aspx ademicSupport%2fAcademicSuccess%2fResources%2fResource9.aspx
9) Identify some developmentally appropriate activities that can be implemented to assist these children in their real-life experiences. In this section of the brochure, describe developmentally appropriate activities in at least 3-5 complete sentences. Please include an appropriate heading. Use the link below to access Kaplan’s Library to research resources that focus on developmentally appropriate activities and how they relate to real-life experiences. You will need to share and compare your findings between what you researched and what you learned in this course. Success%2fResources%2fResource9.aspx Success%2fResources%2fResource9.aspx As with all writing, be sure to include citations if you use information from any source to avoid plagiarism. It is always necessary to give the author credit. In addition, please make sure to include a reference page. If you need assistance, please use the APA Quick Reference Guide in the Course Home Page or visit the Kaplan University Writing Center.
We will take a few minutes to look at the template for the final project.
Final project Rubric Unit 9- Brochure-Early Intervention and Early Detection Point Range Total:125 points Unit 9 Project Grading Criteria /100 points Content Use of brochure provided Discussion of how a child is screened and evaluated Description of the need for early identification and the importance of early intervention Description of specific services available Discussion of 4 effective strategies Discussion of developmentally appropriate activities that can be related to real-life experiences References to the readings/unit material /25 points Mechanics/Structure: Spelling, Grammar checked Clear writing, smooth transitions Complete sentences (no sentence fragments, run-ons) Subject/Verb agreement, punctuation, capitalization, etc. 12 point font (Arial or Times New Roman) Double-spaced Inclusion of a title page/reference page
Learning Outcomes for Unit 8 Identify resources for children with special needs in your state as well as information for Title V in your state Describe how these resources may be utilized by an Early Childhood Care Professional Share the differences between IDEA, NCLB, ADA and 504 and describe their value. Course outcomes practiced in this unit: CE240-2 Explain the necessity of early identification of special needs and the importance of early intervention
History of Special Education Video Go to the Information Box and watch the video “History of special education”. Click on history in the box below Share: What did you learn about the history of IDEA?
Research and Early Intervention Early intervention research was performed on a group of mentally disabled children in This research showed that “the development of sound intelligence depends on appropriate stimulation in the environment (Cowdery & Allen, 2009, p. 36). This research was brought to the attention of policy holders. In 1965 Head Start was formed.
Civil Rights Movement This movement began in Landmark legislation: Laws that were significant in helping those with disabilities Advocacy groups: Council for Exceptional Children (CEC); Division for Early Childhood (DEC) a division of CEC; American Speech, Language and Hearing Association (ASHA); American Association on Mental Retardation (AAMR); Association for Persons with Severe Handicaps (TASH); and Association for Retarded Citizens (ARC) (Allen & Cowdery, 2009, p. 37).
Eligibility under Section 504 Section 504 is a federal law designed to protect the rights of individuals with disabilities in programs and activities that receive federal funds from the U.S. Department of Education (ED). To be protected under Section 504, a student must be determined to: 1) have a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities; 2) have a record of such an impairment, or 3) be regarded as having such an impairment. 15
Landmark Legislation University Affiliated Facilities (PL ): 1963, 1) this works to create, demonstrate, and evaluate intervention programs, 2)provide interdisciplinary training, 3) conduct research on human development/developmental issues, 4) establish university and community partnerships Handicapped Children’s Early Education Association (PL ): 1968, no longer exists. Funds have been integrated into general fund for all children from birth to 21 (Allen & Cowdery, 2009, p. 41). 16
More on Landmark Legislation Head Start Amendments (PL ): a new law mandating that 10% were those with developmental disabilities including mental retardation, deafness/hearing impairments, serious speech or visual impairments, crippling orthopedic impairments, chronic health impairments, and learning disabilities. Head Start continues to grow and expand in its services. 2005, 906,993 children with 231, 000 staff members serving in 19,800 centers (Allen & Cowdery, 2009, 42). 17
Early Intervention and Prevention Early Head Start: serve low income women and young children. Works to transition family into Head Start. Disability Services Quality Improvement Centers: Formerly known as Regional Access Project (RAPs), Head Start provides training and consultation to programs serving children with disabilities (Allen & Cowdery, 2009, p. 43). 18
Developmental Disabilities Developmental Disabilities Act (DDA) (PL ): Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and reauthorized in Section 504 focused on reducing discrimination. All with disabilities be given access to jobs, education, housing and public buildings. States offering preschools had to provide for children with disabilities, too. This includes children that do not qualify for Special Education Services. 19
Comparison of the Laws Go to the Information Box and click on the link “IDEA and 504”. Take a few minutes to read the article. Share: What are the major differences between IDEA and Section 504?
IDEA Education for All Handicapped Children Act (PL ): Law in Now called IDEA- Individuals with Disabilities Education Act; name reflect people first terminology. 1)Guarantees the right to FAPE; 2)Specific support for early education programs (like Child Find) for children under 5; 3)Zero reject: local schools must provide for all regardless of severity of diability; (Allen & Cowdery, 2009, p. 44) 21
IDEA Continued 4) Nondiscriminatory Evaluation: assessment of disability should be in accordance with child’s language and culture. Several types of evaluation: cognitive, adaptive, and social performances. 5)Appropriate education: IEP or IFSP plan must be followed. 6)Least Restrictive Environment: (inclusion) child will be taught in an inclusionary environment whenever possible. Supports to stay in this environment are also necessary ( Allen & Cowdery, 2009, p. 44). 22
More on IDEA Due Process: Must have the right to call a hearing when not in agreement with the school. Child cannot be removed from classroom due to annoying or inconvenient behavior. 1.The parent can examine all records. 2.Consulted about program before it goes into effect 3.Receive written notice of proposed changes/placement 4.Demand legal rep if problems cannot be resolved (Allen & Cowdery, 2009, p. 45). 23
Education of the Handicapped Amendments (PL ) Services for children with disabilities from birth to three: IDEA 2004 covered under Part C…discretionary legislations. State may serve but do not have to do so by law unless they serve nondisabled children of this age. Very young children do not need a label to be served. IFSP…each family and child must receive a multi-disciplinary written assessment of the services required (Allen & Cowdery, 2009, p. 48). 24
Education of the Handicapped Amendments (PL ) Services for children from three to five: increased funding, five year time period to channel funds appropriately to each state. Mandated: least restrictive environment, due process, child find, and IEPs. States that receive federal funds must provide parent support services, too. 25
You Tube Video Go to the Information Box and watch the video “What can parents do if a school unfairly treats a child with a disability?”. Click on Parents in the box below Share: What rights do parents have under IDEA? How does knowing parents’ rights help you better serve the child in the classroom?
NCLB: Professional development Improve teachers knowledge of academic subjects taught School wide educational Improvement plan Help teachers teach students to meet challenging standards Support teacher recruitment, hiring, and training Enable teachers to maintain high-quality, sustained intensive classroom focus Align with state standards Develop in collaboration with K-12 teachers/parents Assist teachers with Limited English Proficient (LEP) students 27
More on NCLB Be connected to effective instructional practices predicated on scientific research Increase teaching skills/knowledge of teachers Train in use of technology as it relates to improving performance on core subjects Regularly evaluated for impact Provide instruction in methods to those teaching children with special needs. Instruction in the use of data and assessments Instruction in working with parents Partnerships between K-12 and higher education to help prospective and beginning teachers to work under guidance of college faculty and experienced teachers Help paraprofessionals meet state standards (Allen & Cowdery, 2009, p ). 28
How do you feel about NCLB? 29
State Resources Go to the Information Box and click on the link “Resources.” Take 8 minutes to explore the site and the resources available in your state. Share: Research one agency or organization available in your state. Give a brief description and the services it provides.
References Allen, E.K., Cowdery, G.E. (2009). The Exceptional Child: inclusion in early childhood education. United States of America: Thompson Delmar Learning Office for Civil Rights. Protecting students with disabilities. Retrieved December 9, 2008, from website Ed. Gov. (See web site in course as cannot type the reference correctly due to the platform for Seminars) 31
Any Questions?
Thank you ** Have a nice week! ** I will not hold the unit 9 seminar due to the holiday! Sarah will hold the unit 9 seminar Wednesday. You will automatically get the seminar points. ** Good luck with the final project! ** Please view your grades in a gradebook.
Thank you for all your dedication to CE240! I appreciate all your hard work this term. I will miss our chats on the boards and in seminar. If you ever need anything in the future, please let me know. I will always be here for you! Thank you for letting me be apart of your educational journey! I have enjoyed our time together. You are a wonderful group with a lot of strength, motivation and dedication! Best of luck with all you do! 34
Best of Luck!