By. Jason Ashcroft P.5
What is Prolean? Prolean is cereal. A special kind of cereal. Prolean is a cereal for athletes. What does it do for athletes? Well it contains HGH(Human Growth Hormone) What does this do for you? Well it lets you compete better than if you didn’t take it. It makes you less tired and gives you more energy. This cereal is pretty much a protein shake but helps you a lot more!
What’s in my cereal that makes your athletic performance better? What makes it like a protein shake but better? Well it is full of protein. Full of it. It has low sugar in it. It has few carbohydrates in it. Has all the vitamins and minerals you need. Has lots of fiber. Grains are organically grown. Has 0 trans fat. Peanut butter flavored
Why do you need this cereal do you say? Well if you’re an athlete its perfect for you. Its got everything an athlete loves and needs. If your not an athlete? Well its still very good for you. Its healthy and better yet its on the go! It comes in packs like yogurt and you pour a little milk in it and BAM! Your on your way out If your not either of these things? Its still very good tasting and you will like it.
What does it do for you? Well like I said it contains HGH. Your Athletic performance enhances more than you thought of. You still need to workout but this helps you better than taking protein shakes. It also provides all natural supplements such as ginseng, guarana, has boost of b vitamins. Its healthy for you even if you don’t work out. Has all the vitamins and minerals you need in a day plus more!
Who uses this that would intrest me in buying this product? Well Athletes such as Lebron James, Michael Jordan, Michael Phelps, Lance Armstong, Derek Jeter, Peyton Manning, Kevin Durant, and Jerry Rice have been known to eat this cereal. Who eats this that’s not an athlete? Tom Cruise, Brad Pitt, Eminem, Taylor Swift, Carried Underwood, and President Obama. Prolean is a cereal everyone loves!