RESMM Workshops FermilabAD / Accelerator Physics Center Nikolai Mokhov Fermilab RESMM’15 East Lansing, MI May 10-14, 2015
RESMM'15, East Lansing, May 10-14, 2015RESMM Workshops - N.V. Mokhov2 RESMM Workshops: Focus & Topics The series of annual workshops on “Radiation Effects in Superconducting Magnet Materials (RESMM)” has started at Fermilab in It focused on establishing radiation damage limits and design of large superconducting systems, for the Mu2e and Comet experiments as well as for HL-LHC, ITER, FRIB and muon collider magnets, covering three major topics: Design of superconducting magnets for high radiation environment Modeling of radiation effects in magnets and material response Benchmarking experiments
RESMM'15, East Lansing, May 10-14, 2015RESMM Workshops - N.V. Mokhov3 RESMM Workshops 2012 & 2013
RESMM'15, East Lansing, May 10-14, 2015RESMM Workshops - N.V. Mokhov4 RESMM Workshops 2014 & 2015
RESMM'15, East Lansing, May 10-14, 2015RESMM Workshops - N.V. Mokhov5 RESMM Workshops: Sessions The workshops are organized in five major sessions: 1.Superconducting Magnets in High Radiation Environment 2.Radiation Effects in Magnets 3.Modeling Radiation Effects in Magnets and Material Response 4.Irradiation Tests and Benchmarking Experiments 5.Summary, Discussion, Plans and Action Items
RESMM'15, East Lansing, May 10-14, 2015RESMM Workshops - N.V. Mokhov6 Superconducting Magnets in High Radiation Environment Uncertainties with radiation damage limits for Nb 3 Sn The choice of copper vs. aluminum stabilizer Concerning the DPA damage, aluminum can be completely repaired with a room temperature annealing, while copper is restored only to ~90% The effect of DPA damage has to be understood within the particular magnet application by determining the allowable changes in resistivity, heat capacity and struct. properties between planned annealing cycles The programmatic implications of these annealing cycles must be weighed against other design issues such as dynamic heat removal, conductor stability against mechanical disturbances, absorbed dose during the magnet lifetime, as well as fabrication and operation costs Advanced insulation materials with very low H 2 yield:
Computed using MARS 1 w/m, 4000 hr/year Coil (~30kGy/y) GFRP (~10 7 Gy) Polyimide (~10 7 Gy) Plastic Collar (~10kGy/y) Glass Filled Phenol (~10 7 Gy) Super Insulator Body (~200Gy/y) Polyester (10 5 ~10 6 Gy) End (~30kGy/y) Polyimide (~10 7 Gy) Support Post (~200Gy/y) GFRP (10 7 Gy) O-ring (~200Gy/y) EPDM (~10 6 Gy) Rad. Loads in J-PARC SCFM System RESMM'15, East Lansing, May 10-14, 2015RESMM Workshops - N.V. Mokhov7
RESMM'15, East Lansing, May 10-14, 2015RESMM Workshops - N.V. Mokhov8 Modeling Radiation Effects in Magnets and Material Response (1) Substantial progress on Monte-Carlo codes used in this field and understanding of damage phenomena recently made with attention to reliability of simulation tools in four classes: 1.Modeling of particle production focusing on those causing the deleterious radiation effects in the magnets 2.Quench, integrity and lifetime: power density and integrated dose in critical components, e.g., SC coils, organic materials etc. 3.Radiation damage to superconducting, stabilizing and insulating materials: DPA, H2/He gas production, particle flux and dose; linking these to changes in material properties 4.ES&H aspects: shielding, nuclide production, residual dose, impact on environment
RESMM'15, East Lansing, May 10-14, 2015RESMM Workshops - N.V. Mokhov9 Modeling Radiation Effects in Magnets and Material Response (2) In majority of cases integral values on particle yields, energy deposition and radiation field can be predicted with accuracy of < 10-20%. However, uncertainties of a factor of 2 or more still remain for differential values in some phase space regions as well as for values of DPA. Data needs to achieve better accuracy identified for the above four classes: 1.Low-E pion/kaon/pbar spectra at E p =2-7 GeV; neutrons in fragmentation region; light fragment yields; nuclide yields for difficult cases; more ion and photon induced reactions. 2.Energy deposition profiles in fine-segmented setups with combination of low-Z and high-Z composite materials for hadron, heavy ions, electron and low-energy neutron dominated cases. 3.Annealed vs non-annealed defects, especially at cryo temperatures. 4.More reliable data on radiation penetration through composite setups and on radioactivation.
DPA Code Intercomparision RESMM'15, East Lansing, May 10-14, 2015RESMM Workshops - N.V. Mokhov FLUKA, MARS15 and PHITS intercomparison for Mu2e SC coil hottest spot: 15% agreement 2014 FLUKA and MARS15 HL-LHC studies: typically within 20% for energy deposition and neutron fluxes, and 50% for DPA M.J. Boschini et al., “ Nuclear and Non- Ionizing Energy-Loss for Coulomb Scattered Particles from Low Energy up to Relativistic Regime in Space Radiation Environment”, arXiv: v6 [] 10 Jan 2011 p + Pb
RESMM'15, East Lansing, May 10-14, 2015RESMM Workshops - N.V. Mokhov11 Irradiation Tests and Benchmarking First direct benchmarking of DPA has been achieved by using the in- situ Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM) ion irradiation tool at ANL. The method introduces disorders in materials in the well- controlled conditions while performing real time observation of defects. Powerful tool to validate and verify computer models Neutron irradiation tests under cryogenic temperature (10~20 K) for Al and Cu performed at KURRI, Japan. The resistivity degradation and recovery by room temperature annealing were measured (M. Yoshida) Irradiation tests on insulation materials at Wroclaw, Poland with electron beams under LN2 temperature. Measurements and criteria to qualify materials and certification standards for mechanical, electric, and thermal performances
RESMM'15, East Lansing, May 10-14, 2015RESMM Workshops - N.V. Mokhov12 Results of Neutron Irradiation Tests at KURRI Makoto Yoshida (KEK)
RESMM'15, East Lansing, May 10-14, 2015RESMM Workshops - N.V. Mokhov13 Proton Irradiation Tests at FFAG (KURRI) Irradiation temperatures: 6K – 700 K In-situ fatigue test Post irradiation test Positron annihilation lifetime measurements Electrical resistivity measurement Materials Irradiation Chamber
RESMM Workshops - N.V. Mokhov 14 RESMM'15, East Lansing, May 10-14, 2015 Link of Calculated Quantities to Observable Changes Link of calculated quantities (DPA, dose, fluence etc.) to observable changes in critical properties of materials in theoretical/modeling studies remains to be a dream Promising experiments Low-energy heavy ions at GSI in very clean conditions (although, surface vs bulk damage?) Studies at BNL: 200-MeV protons and fast neutrons at BLIP, and 28-MeV protons at TANDEM (BNL) Kurchatov institute experiments Neutrons at Kyoto reactor at room and cryo temperatures Direct DPA measurements with TEM at ANL Measuring gas production Promising developments: kinetic Monte-Carlo Meanwhile, rely on phenomenology and correlations