My Pet
Chant Good morning. Good morning. What do you see? I see a monkey looking at me. Monkey, monkey. I see a panda looking at me.
monkey donkey
carrot parrot
﹢ golden fish goldfish
purple t t turtle
Chant What pet do you have? A dog, a goldfish. A turtle, a cat. A monkey, a parrot. A chicken, or a rabbit? I have a cute monkey. I have a smart cat.
My Pet I have a dog. It’s gray and white. Its(它的)name is 13. It has small ears, blue eyes and a long tail. It can run. It’s smart. I like my dog.
It can talk and fly. It’s beautiful.
It can catch a mouse. It’s smart.
It can swim. It’s red. It has big eyes.
house rabbit race
It has a long tail. It can climb a tree. It’s smart.
It can jump. It has long ears, red eyes and a short tail. It likes to eat carrots. It’s cute.
We love animals!
Homework Draw your pet and talk about it.