MODULE 1 Strategic Dialogue of Education Ministers
First Strategic Dialogue of Education Ministers held in Lao PDR in September 2014 produced the Seven Priority Areas of SEAMEO 1.Early childhood care and education 2.Addressing barriers to inclusion 3.Resiliency in the face of emergencies 4.Promoting technical and vocational education and training 5.Teacher education and making teaching again a profession of first choice 6.Harmonization in higher education and research 7.Adopting a 21st century curriculum
Second Strategic Dialogue of Education Ministers held in Bandung, Indonesia in April 2015 Conducted 3 roundtable discussions 1.SEAMEO Education Agenda and Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) #4 2.Innovations in learning delivery and content 3.Engaging key education players and stakeholders
SEAMEO Education Agenda and Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) #4 Ministers’ Statement Revisited the context and reflection which the Ministers of Education have undergone in the process of developing the SEAMEO 7 Priority Areas during the First Strategic Dialogue of Education Ministers; we further noted the need to move beyond our national boundaries, thinking as Southeast Asians, solving problems of the region while building on our individual country’s strengths;
Innovations in learning delivery and content Ministers’ Statement Recognised that the Region has much to share in ensuring access and relevance of the programmes to the needs of the learners; given the diversity of needs, resources and operational contexts, the shared concerns on early childhood education, technical and vocational education and training, lifelong learning and keeping the child at the centre of learning interventions. In the process of introducing innovations on the curriculum and learning content, strong fundamental skills such as literacy, numeracy, values as well as social and emotional skills should be enhanced;
Engaging key education players and stakeholders Ministers’ Statement Recognised that public engagement is very important to the success of programmes and reforms. Different modes and types of public engagement done in the Region were explored, such as strengthening the school community partnership, promoting open and shared information, and other modalities. In engaging the education workers, particularly teachers, it is necessary not only to instill a sense of professionalism and technical competence, but also to develop the capacity to nurture, understand and inspire future citizens in our individual countries.
Bandung Action Agenda A major increase in inter-school collaboration for 21 st century learning to speed up its diffusion in developing countries through multilateral partnerships. Promote innovation in teaching and learning using the best technology in 200 schools in Southeast Asia (Philippines 25 schools, Thailand 50 schools, Vietnam schools, Laos schools, Cambodia 10-25, Malaysia 3-5 schools, and Indonesia 50 schools) through the SEA Digital Class Project SEAMEO Centres to identify at least 1-10 schools in their areas with Internet access to participate in SEA Digital Class, SEA Teacher and SEA Language programmes.
Bandung Action Agenda Promote technology in Southeast Asian education to dramatically accelerate access to education for undocumented and marginalized children and those affected by disasters and risks through the use of SIERRA system developed by SEAMOLEC
Bandung Action Agenda Address barriers to inclusion using public and private engagements in Southeast Asian education, including the use of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) framework to mobilise partners, networks and collaborators. The initiative involves, among others, prioritising collaboration with CLMT countries to accelerate the diffusion of innovation in education, already pioneered by SEAMEO Centres. promoting literacy and nutrition programmes to as many as 300 schools in Southeast Asia, through the School Garden Project with the technical support of SEAMEO BIOTROP and SEAMEO SEARCA.
Issues, Challenges and Recommendations Main Challenge How to support the implementation of the seven priority areas in SEAMEO Education Agenda utilizing the SEAMEO regional centers as the primary mechanism (directive from Ministerial Roundtable)
Expand Bandung Action Agenda: include projects proposed by MOEs; identify SEAMEO Centers to lead/assist in implementation; priority to projects requiring inter-center collaboration and participation of MOEs Seven Priority Areas to guide/influence preparation of FYDPs of SEAMEO Regional Centers Research support to SEAMEO Education Agenda from SEAMEO Regional Centers and proposed Centers’ Policy Research Network In every HOM and SEAMEO Council Meeting, SEAMES to report on accomplishments vis-à-vis Seven Priority Areas with inputs provided by SEAMEO Regional Centers and units Recommendations
Operational Concern of SEAMEO INNOTECH Reimbursement from SEAMEO College funds of expenditures advanced by SEAMEO INNOTECH for the implementation of SDEM 1
Thank You!